Chapter 1

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"Home alone again..." She flipped through the TV stations and found nothing of interest.

She was always home alone and yet, still not used to it.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her jacket on the couch.

Consumed with the sudden desire to explore, she grabbed it and went straight for the door but remembered her mother's directions.

"Don't go out without mommy..." she told herself. But with the day just starting, she had plenty of time to get out and come back before her mother would know....

.... But how to lock the door....


A ruckus was being made in the back of a rescue truck, but it finally stopped when the sound of a metal cage door busting open was heard. A little fox came out and rolling out onto the road, which slowly, made its way into the forest with a wounded leg.

He searched around, looking in his unfamiliar environment, scared, and confused, but he had no such memory of anything, no family, no places, nothing..

He wondered around until it came across what looked like a pond.. It gazed into the water, which when he saw the color, he pulled back a little, hesitant, but slowly, he forced himself to drink..


She locked the door and climbed out the window instead.

With how small she was, an open window wasn't a attraction for thieves.

"Unless they are small animals."

The skyscrapers of the city where too far to make out, but her neighborhood had much to see and...

"Hello kid." she turned at the sound of the slimy voice.

"Where's mommy?" asked a weisel dressed in a thick jacket. Something that didn't match the hot day at all.

"She's at work. I can't talk to strangers."

"I'm no stranger. I'm Rick. I just came to take you somewhere more fun then this neighborhood."

Suddenly, her stomach began to churn. It was a bad idea coming out.

"I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Come here kid."

She heard him come closer and that's when she began to run like she had never run before.

She ran around other beast folks and tried to be a hard target but after a while, her little legs couldn't take her further.

Turning around, expecting to see that strange weisel behind her, she saw nothing but random...

"... Forest? I don't remember a forest. Mommy never brought me here."


An owl watched a small fox limp to a pond a drink. "Hmmm..... Looks like a tasty little guy. Nobody will know as like as I wipe off the blood...."

"It would be so much easier to be natural, of it wasn't for those pesky laws.... Oh well, a small taste is all he'll be and he won't be missed. Probably too young to even have his mother nearby...."

He opened his wings wide and prepared to dive for the fox....

After the fox drank, he looked in the reflection and saw the owl, he turned around and froze for a moment before diving out of the way, and yelped as he made a mad dash, despite being wounded.

He just ran and ran, looking often behind him, until finally he hit something, he shook his head and saw a pair of legs, with sudden instinct, he hid behind whoever it was, hoping for protection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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