• Chapter 10: Stay Home •

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(Next Morning)

"But Nana, wouldn't you think it's best if you stay home? You look tired" I tell her

Nana putting things inside the fridge, wrapping sandwiches as putting the fruit salad inside. She smiled sadly at me and pat my head

"Honey, I'll be fine. I brought my pills with me, if anything happens you know I have Monica with me. That or I'll call home" she says grabbing her purse about to walk outside

"Audrey, you know by now your grounded" Monica started, rolling my eyes nodding to her choice

"And since school has been shut down by the incident that happen yesterday news. Those two men admit it harassing a girl around your age--!!"

'Better not let her know I was the girl who was...assulted by how late I came home...'

"--and all of a sudden, that Jeffery killer came out nowhere and killed one man!"

"Monica, I know and understand your condition. Trust me, I'll stay home with Jon. We'll both be sure to stay in" I say, promising this time to stay home

Monica looked over at me, her eyes showing unsure and fear. Either from me getting out from the window or about Jeff

"Monica, please let us go now. I'm sure Audrey has things under control here" Nana said winking at me. Blushing a but by what that wink meant but over all, I'm sure she trusts I won't go out at this dangerous moment. Only time will tell when I'll go back to school..

"Alright...but, Audrey.." Monica says holding onto my hand with a soft grip, looking into my eyes she says clearly

"Whatever happens and I mean, whatever happens...please, call my number" she says, her eyes filled with hope and wanting me to to what to do

"Monica don't worry, trust me" I smile reassuring her I'll be okay, Nana hand took Monica shoulder and speaks softly to her

"We should head get to work now dearie. Now Audrey, you know I left you and your friend snacks inside the fridge. Any drinks are there and the t.v is there, we'll be back around 8" she says both of the ladies walk out, giving me a goodbye hug before they left. Getting onto the car as they drove off, heading to work

'Since I'm grounded, I should at'least finish the book I picked out in the library'

Telling myself before walking to the t.v were under the t.v had shelfs, inside the shelfs had only 10 books. They were books my uncle Benny had. He love to read and always read to me whenever I was feeling scared or lonely

Taking out a book called "The Rules of Attraction" sitting on the couch, reading away every few pages

After reading a bit, I hear noises upstairs. Jeff might already be up, looking over the time. It was 9, still early morning

Before hearing foot steps being heard behind me, walking down stairs. Maybe guessing he might be thirsty or hungry

Until hearing no steps behind me...no noise was heard other than birds chirping in the background. Fear crawling on my back started, feeling tigiliy on my back. Unsure what that feeling was, it was there, about to turn my head arouns

Two hands covered both my eyes, blinding me from sight. About to freak out, Jeff mockingly yelled


All he yelled before pulling away and laughing his ass off. Sitting slump while having my hand against my now furiously beating heart. The sensation of fear and scare jumped me. Almost making me get a heart attack at that moment. Thankfully, calming myself down. Growling back at Jeff as he was now on the floor while laughing off

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