7. "ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴏᴍ sᴇᴇᴍs ɴɪᴄᴇ."

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"Oi! Oikawa, let me in!"


He scowled and began pounding on the door again, using both hands that were curled into fists.

"Shittykawa! I didn't come all the way just for you to shut the door in my face! Open the door!" He shouted over the sounds of his aggressive knocking.

"No, Iwa-chan! Leave me alone! I'm sick, and you might get sick, too." replied the brunette.

He stopped his pounding for a second to sigh. It was quiet on the other side as he placed a hand on the door.

"Are you mad at me, Shittykawa?" He asked, quietly.

He waited a moment to hear the answer he know he wouldn't get.

"Fine. I'm leaving the medicine here, so I'll be going now. See you later." He huffed.

Iwaizumi slid the bag off his wrist and placed it down by the door. With one last glance, he stepped away from the house.

The door opened a minute later, and Oikawa peeked out. The brunette took a quick look around before stepping out of the house and picking up the bag of medicine that Iwaizumi left.

He bent down to pick it up when a sudden force picked him up by his waist.

"Iwa-chan? Put me down!" screamed Oikawa.

Iwaizumi tightened his hold on the brunette as he entered the house, looking around the expansive inside. He spotted a couch and decided to set the screaming Oikawa down on it.

It wasn't as gentle as he wanted it to be, but because of how aggressively the brunette was fighting back, he had to drop the boy down.

Maybe toss is a better word.

"First you interrupt my nap, then you break into my house, then you throw me?!" shrieked Oikawa.

"Calm down, Shittykawa." He said, calmly. "You wouldn't answer my texts so I was worried."

The brunette pouted and crossed his arms, turning away from Iwaizumi. The latter sighed and sat down next to the boy.

"Will you tell me what's wrong? Why are you avoiding me?"

Oikawa side-eyed him but didn't reply.

Iwaizumi huffed and set the plastic bag of medicine down in front of him. "If you don't want to talk about it, fine. Just let me take care of you. You're sick. Also, put a shirt on."

Oikawa rolled his eyes. "It's too hot for a shirt, Iwa-chan."

"Mhm." He hummed, lifting a hand to Oikawa's forehead to feel the brunette's temperature. It was hot and slicked with sweat. Iwaizumi pulled his hand back in surprise.

"You're burning up! Let's go to a hospital," he stood and grabbed Oikawa's arms.

The brunette looked surprised and quickly pulled them back. He avoided Iwaizumi's eyes. "I'm not going."

"But you're sick! Come on, let's just go and get it over with."

"I said no. Besides, it's not that serious. I'll be fine after I sleep," said Oikawa. He finally turned to face Iwaizumi with narrowed eyes. "I could be all better by now if you didn't interrupt my nap!"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "You said you wanted my notes. Plus you weren't answering your phone." And then he added more quietly, "No one's taking care of you, either. Is your mom busy?"

Oikawa snapped his head towards him. "My mom?"

"Yeah. I met her by the gate. It seemed like she was in a rush."

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