Scary Finds

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A lot of this story may seem useless, but I promise not a moment of it is. I say everything here for a reason. This story has a lot of the same elements as some RPs I've done. Also this story contains mentions of abuse, manipulation, homophobia and contains alcoholism, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, antidepressants (Wellbutrin specifically.), domestic abuse, harmful religious practices (Also acknowledgement that not all people in the same religion have those harmful practices), suicidal thoughts without actions or attempts, implied sexual intercourse, overwhelming gayness and a fluffy raccoon boy.


Camp Campbell. It fucking sucked.

Not because of all the annoying people there. Not because of the dumbass 'activities' that the dumbass camp counselor made them do. No. It sucked because...


Because he fucking said so!

The jaded child looked around as his friends started scheming on their own. Obviously he was just trying to listen to them and eat his slop of a breakfast. Gross...

But then, Neil seemed to come up with a genius plan.

"I mean, we could always spend the day spying on David? Surely there's something he doesn't want anyone to know. Frankly I wouldn't want to but; you look bored with everything else, Max."

The boy smirked. No, he wouldn't do anything to David that would get him into trouble, unless it was fucked up, but... He figured David wouldn't. The man did help him realize that the people at camp really are his friends and helped him realize that Camp Campbell was... No, nevermind.

He agreed, excited to get things started. He finished eating along with his pals, and waited for the activity of the day to be announced. Everyone listened as David went on about how proud he was of everyone being such good sports, not happy, but they figured they might as well. What everyone wasn't expecting was Davids plan for the week. "This week on Camp Campbell, we're going to have a talent show! No parents to make you nervous, you all get to be yourselves and show the whole camp what makes you truly happy!" His smile was just as obnoxious as ever, and Max knew that this was some lame attempt to get him to open up more. He already planned on scheming to ruin the the whole thing. Maybe that would be the talent he showed off. He gave a small chuckle at the thought.

They were all led to the activities field to practice their talents. David had specifically said the talent didn't need to be a part of any of the camps, and to tell him if they needed anything. Like hell he needed anything from him.

So the troublesome trio watched. They were talking about what they thought they would find, thinking about how to use the information they found. Max knew they wouldn't find anything too bad. Probably accidentally hurt a butterflies feelings or something. But then, Nikki looked over, noticing David.

The other two looked over and watched as he walked over to Gwen and seemingly asked her something. At first she seemed pissed, but then something else was said and she brushed it off, not exactly happy but clearly understanding of something. Then, he just walked off towards the counselors cabins.

So they followed him as he cheerfully headed back. He didn't really go back to his cabin, it wasn't something David did because he was always prepared and excited to tackle the day, so today was somehow different.

When he finally arrived, he went inside. Nikki through the window, waiting to see what would happen and saw that he pulled something out of a desk drawer. Calling over the other two, they watched as David took a round white pill out of an orange pill bottle and pop it in his mouth with a swig of water from a reusable plastic water bottle. The three looked each other over, confused. He never told them anything about medications he was taking. Why was he being so secretive about it? David wasn't a druggie, was he? The only drug any of them could imagine David having any experience with is pot, and frankly he just seems like the guy that's okay with it but never did it himself. Maybe has friends who have.

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