a day at the park

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Hi there am y/n and am 15 years old and i have a little sister her name is katie i had a great live with my family until.........   
Y/n: ugh am so bored i got nothing to do
Mom: maybe you can go to the park its a beautiful day outside.
Y/n: but i dont like going to the park!
Mom: you have to cuz you're bored and got nothing to do or clean your room.
Y/n: ok ok i will go to the park
Katie: can i go to the park too?
Y/n: sure!
Time skip to the park cuz am lazy...
Y/n: ok were here
(Y/n sits at the bench and uses his phone for a while)
*yoyo stares at the children from a distance and comes closer to the park the children see yoyo and start playing with her even Katie joins in y/n notices this*
Y/n mind: that girl with the bear head seems suspicious she even doesn't have arms is there something wrong with her?
Its getting nightime now and all the kids are going home now
Y/n: ok katie time to go home
Katie: ok
As y/n and katie leave y/n notices that the bear head girl is still in the park and staring at y/n and katie as they leave the park
Y/n: *shivers*
Back at home
Y/n: were back from the park
Mom: good dinner is ready
Y/n: what is it?
Mom: pizza!
Katie: yay!
Mom: whats wrong y/n i thought you always cheered when i made pizza cuz you love pizza?
Y/n: nothing mom i just had a rough day at the park.
Mom: huh what happened?
Y/n: i-i will tell you later
Mom: okay will enjoy your pizza!
After eating pizza
Mom: now sweetie can you tell me what happened at the park?
Y/n: well when we went to the park there was this girl with a bear head and no arms i thought she seemed suspicious to me.
Mom: maybe shes a girl that was born different
Y/n: but!-
Just then they all hear a knock on the door y/n's mom opens the door and finds a present with a tag on it.
Mom: a present?
Y/n: for who?
Mom: mmm theres a tag here it says for katie!
Katie: for me!
Katie grabs the present out of her moms hands and opens the present to find candy
Katie: yay! candy for me!
Y/n: i wonder who gave you that present katie
Katie: can i eat the candy now mom?
Mom: sure sweetie!
Y/n: am going to my room now
Mom/katie: ok
Y/n then goes to his room and lays down at the bed he starts getting sad cuz he remembers his father's death cuz his father died in a car crash y/n tries to froget it and decides to go to sleep after sleeping about an hour and a half he heres loud screaming
Y/n: *groans* w-what! What's that loud screaming!?
Y/n quickly goes out of his room and downstairs and sees her mother crying while looking down at katie lying down at the floor with throw up. Katies face is all blue y/n goes up to his mother to what the fuck was going on
Y/n: what the hell happened!?
Mom: i-idk she j-just ate the candy and didn't f-feel good she s-started throwing *sniff* up and f-feel on the floor *sniff* i tried c-calling her name but she didn't answer! *sobbing*
Y/n: i-s this some kind of joke!?
Mom: no! I t-thought this was a prank to *sniff* but she doesn't l-look alright!
Y/n notices the candy
Y/n: t-the candy!
Mom: ?
Y/n: the candy is green!
Y/n: the c-candy was poisoned!
y/n: i-idk maybe check the present to see who its from
Y/n's mom checks the present to see who is it from but its from nobody y/n's mom starts crying again
Y/n: how could this happen to my lil sis?
Tbc...took me long to write this anyways chapter two will come out in a few days cuz i just ran out of ideas and am lazy ps: sorry if this chapter made no sense to you.

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