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Joe’s Pov:

Our anniversary, the day all went wrong. This day, all the memories flood back again. How did I go through a whole year without him? How could our daughter cope with all this? Tell me…What would you have done? Would you have done your first choice, even if the consequences weren’t the best? Or would you go in time and change the consequences? I made a decision that changed for completely my life and my loved ones’. I’m with my daughter, at my brother’s place trying to cope with the loss of a loved one, I rather not speak of it…….memories flood into mind. I don’t want, Melody, my little girl to get sad once again. It’s time to move on with our lives and live in the present. Stop blaming each other for our mistakes. Or were they not? Of who am I speaking of? You may ask yourself, or what happened to him? Well you see, Melody and I have lost a person very dear to us, he is missed gracefully. It all happened so fast, I- I’m sorry *gets teary, sniffs* First, it was a warm and sunny day, when.....

*flashbacks, hiking to a lake*

Joe: *holding Nick’s hand* Melody, baby, be careful!

Melody: *skipping along, in front of them* Yes daddy!

Nick: *admiring his daughter, looks up at Joe, smiles* I love you

Joe: *looks at him* I love you to *pecks his lips*

Melody: Daddy, look!! *signals over to an eagle flying above them*

Nick: *takes out his cam* Hold on a second, I’m gonna take a picture *lets go on Joe’s hand, takes a step back, about to take the pic. Takes another step back, slips* Aaaaaahh!!!!!!!! *falls down rolling a hill*

Joe: Nick! *runs after him*

Nick: *keeps falling down, reaches a cliff* Joey! *trying to hold on to a rock, but hands is slipping*

Joe: *grabs his hands, tries to pull him back up. Looks over Nick’s shoulder, sees about a 100 foot drop into a rapid river* Baby don’t look down!

Nick: *trying to hold on to Joe* Ok!!

Melody: *still up in the top of the hill* *eyes widen* Daddy!!! *tries to go down to help them, but slips* Aaaa!!! Daddy!! *scared, keeps rolling down the hill, screaming* aaaaaaaaahh!!!

Joe: Melody! *looks over at Melody then Nick, then again* *tears rolling down his face, mouths to Nick* I love you, I’m sorry! *hesitates but lets him go, runs over and catches Melody before she falls*

Nick: *completely slips, falls*

Joe/ Melody: *hears a CRACK!*

Melody: *crying like crazy*

Joe: *holding here against his chest, cries into her hair*

*end of flashback*

Joe’s Pov:

*sniffs, wipes away his tears* He was a great man, a wonderful father, husband, friend, brother and person. He is truly missed and loved. Well wish he were back here with us. Although, he’s not in our presence, he is…in spirit and in our hearts. I have been feeling a presence with me all this time, I know it’s him. I just want to see him one last time, I know he’s here. Why can’t he show himself, Melody and I miss him with all our hearts. It’s hard for her to get up every morning with out wanting to cry for Nick, she was really attached to him. What would I do to feel his touch, one last time, to see his smile, to gaze into his eyes? Too kiss his lips, to have him in my arms? What would I do, to learn how to make BETTER decisions?

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