; prologue

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50 years ago, there was chaos raging across the streets of Auralis.

The prince of our land was a kind soul, always walking with a smile on his face and assisting any villager that required help.

He was a man with many dreams, as many once said. He also dreamed about love and marriage as many others did. However, he fell into a trance of a princess to a different kingdom. At the time, the kingdom of Asteria was unknown to many. Villagers always wondered why he had not married the princesses of Umiad, Thedrian or even the notorious Corennyd.

Madly in love with the princess of another land, the once-beloved prince turned into a man that villagers hated. Rumours quickly spread that the prince had 'put his kingdom behind him' for the woman he was soon to marry.

The trust of the kingdom had begun to fall as the king and queen had tried endlessly to break the marriage, wishing for their child to leave the woman for his kingdom. Their prayers fell short as they soon were murdered in the castle standing on the highest mountain in Auralis.

Knights worked day and night to find the one who murdered their beloved king, and queen until the kingdom was left shocked as it was revealed the killer was the prince's beloved.

The prince stood in front of his parent's graves in the depths of the castle, conflicted over his actions.

Would he have the only woman he ever loved killed in front of his eyes?

Or would he protect her, helping her escape?

As days continued, it was clear what his true wishes were, as the prince was never found... neither was the princess.

Many share rumours that he had fled to Asteria and disguised themselves as presents, while some have said they have seen people that look like the prince and princess walking among us.

"What if I get married to a prince, mama."

"Oh sweetheart, if you got married to a prince of our land I would be so proud and happy for you."

"Would the kingdom hate me like they did the princess?"

"(Y/N)... you are the kindest girl I have ever met and you will grow up to be a beautiful, wonderful girl. There will be nothing others can hate about you."

The 6-year-old girl giggled as her mom tucked her into her small bed, making sure to tuck in the sides extra tight.

"I want to be a princess, mommy. Do you think I will be matched with a prince..."

The girl's mother sighed as she reflected upon her past, remembering firsthand how people had abused and hated the princess.

"Of course sweetheart... your match, no matter who they are, will always treat you like a princess..."

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