Warm Bed Pt. 2 || YiZhan FF

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I woke up at the sound of my alarm, it's four in the morning. I looked at the man that I love the most. I smiled, his indeed so beautiful. I stared at his mole beside his lips, he's even more attractive having this mole. I peck on his lips, he's too cute.

He's a heavy sleeper so even I do this thing on him, he won't easily wake up. I smiled widely, I can't believe the man I am admiring since the first day of The Untamed shooting is now beside me, sleeping peacefully in my arms. It's like a dream come true. I'm so happy.

I sat up and stared at his pretty sleeping face when something caught my eye. His eyes are puffed, probably from crying? My brows met, what made him cry? or rather, who made him cry?

I'm in the middle of thinking why Zhan-ge cried, my phone suddenly rang. It was my manager, calling me. I immediately answered.

"Yibo, are you ready now? I'm going to pick you, now.' He said in the other line.

I clicked my tongue, It's another busy day again. I don't even have time for Zhan ge.

I sighed, "I'll be out, now" I answered and massaged my temple. The call dropped and I stood up.

I threw the phone on the bed and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, I put on my clothes and went to get my phone on the bed. I looked at Zhan-ge and he's sleeping peacefully as usual.

I sighed, "I'm sorry Zhan-ge, I'm leaving you again fist thing in the morning." I whispered and kneel to kiss his forehead.

"I love you," I whispered when I pulled away. I saw a tear fell from his eye. I felt a pain struck on me. am I hurting him because I don't have time for him? Is that why he cried last night?

I clicked my tongue, fuck this work. What's the purpose of this hard-working if my man is in pain because of me?

I threw my bag and removed my jacket, I dialed my manager's number and he answered right away.

"Manager, I will not be working on some of my appointments today. Please tell the management about that and I will give my explanation to them and apologize." I sternly said. I can't abandon my man, I don't want to make him sad even more.

I dropped the call without hearing his explanations. I need to turn off my phone too.

I removed my shoe and changed into my slippers and went o the kitchen.

I looked at the fridge while I put the apron on my waist. What should I cook for breakfast? I whistled, It's been a long time since the last time served Zhan-ge a meal. It's because I'm always busy that I don't even have time to hang out with him. I'm regretting all of it after seeing Zhan ge in his puffy eyes.

I shook my sadness and smiled, I must make this with love and happiness. I smiled and started preparing.

After such time, I'm done. I placed all the food on the table and removed my apron. All I need to do is to wake Zhan ge.

I went to the bedroom and crept on him, I leaned on his ears and whispered. "Zhan-ge, wake up"

"Hmm.." He answered and turn to face me, but he did not wake up.

I smiled and kissed passionately. I smiled when I felt him kissing me back. I held his face and deepened the kiss. Just then when I'm enjoying it his eyes sprung open and went wide. He pushed in surprised, "Why?" I asked, still holding his face with both of my hands.

"W-why are you here?" He stuttered.

"Am I not allowed to?" I asked confused.

"I-It's not that. B-but you always go out early in the morning. Aren't you going to be late?" He said while his head looking down, he doesn't even want me to see his face.

"I canceled them." I simply said.

"Aren't you be in trouble? I'm okay with by myself. You can go to work before it's too late." He said I can hear him sob between his words and tears are falling on the bedsheet.

I felt the pain, I cupped his cheeks and forced him to face me.

"Who said you're okay? You're not! See, you're crying right now. How am I suppose to be fine with that?" I said with my forceful voice. I'm getting mad when he pushes me away and not relying on me when he has a problem.

I leaned on him and crashed my lips on him, giving him a passionate kiss. His tears continuously flow.

We pulled away to gasp for air. I rest my forehead on him, "I love you so much that I can't afford to see you like this." I whispered enough for him to hear. His tears didn't stop flowing, I wiped them with my thumb and kissed his forehead.

I reached on the bedside table and grabbed a small box.

"Will you spend your life with me?" I asked. His eyes stare at me widely, surprised at my sudden proposal.

"Yes, we're not even a year dating. But I'm really certain that I want to spend my whole life with you." I said and looked directly at his eyes. My heart is thumping fast, I'm anxious about what will Zhan ge say.

He grabbed my nape and crash his lips on mine, "Yes" he said between the kisses. I pulled away and fixed my eyes on him,. I pulled the ring out of the box and put it on his ring finger.

"I love you. From today onwards I promise to spend most of the time with you. Please let me make up to you, the days that I'm not able to give you time." I rest my forehead on him as I close my eyes.

"I love you more." He whispered back and peck on my lips.

I hugged him tight and laid ourselves on the mattress.


Requested by: Nor Ain

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