Fire my last song

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My eyes shot open
    my hand wouldn't stop moving as they keys began to get hot. I looked up at the room around me.

   The smell of smoke filled the room I wanted to stop but I couldn't I kept on moving two tears rolled down my cheeks as the music began taking a turn it was full of anger.
The flames grew bigger and my hands grew faster I let everything come out of me. I didn't hold on to my self any longer the music filled me the pianos sound grew louder and the flames heat grew just as much then before I knew that I had one last thing to say.

I'm sorry I let the two of you go... I'm sorry to my family who had to bare with me for the seven years they actually spent with me. I'm sorry to the world which I have destroyed with my cold eyes. I knew I didn't have much time left to think I can finally let go of my past and the world I once knew as I hope that I can be with taehyung and hoseok in this life and the next and I hope that everyone can forgive me for not fixing the world and leaving it worse that I found it. Until I realized that... I was born to be real.. not perfect. (-min yoongi)

By the time I opened my eyes the fires has settled in knowing that this is my last song that I can play to the world and for the next who finds this... they will realize that this is a story and a goodbye from.......

Min Yoongi.

Cursed Piano BoyWhere stories live. Discover now