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Your POV

After things in the industry our band had split up after not having to cooperate anymore than we used to do, basically problems that effected our writing style and songs. Having an audience where most of them are older than us, considering this is rock and we're still teens, only two of six of us are adults already. Four of us got into our own career in the industry as to I, the lead singer of the band got on to be more successful and known than the others... Great tension grew among us and the once broken friendship grew into hatred, the media being themselves got into our fight as well only making the gap I solely want to fill with cement crack ten times larger than it is. I started to grew tired of the industry and started to give entrepreneurship a go as it is, I graduated in management and finance.

(A/N: Idk if that's a thing, I haven't graduated yet sorry!)

From high quality instruments to instrument lessons, I offered it all to a point that I grew famous once again from my hiding. More stars and bands got to be in my care as a year passed on when I turned twenty. From the Wallows to Bruno Mars, I've become their supplier and instrument caretaker. Moving into my own brand and innovation, I've decided to have my own customization like a fashion designer and so I did. From aesthetically pleasing designs to neon club designs in every instruments got my business in a much more popular and stable place at the top, more and more people, mostly celebrities got in to order in customization to their liking. One of them was Mr. Taylor, Queen's drummer along with his son Rufus who is a great fan of mine as well as my label. "Mr. Taylor! Been a long time... Do you need a fixture on your 'universtar' drum set?" I asked, as I excuse myself from a customer at my main branch here in London, having the fact that people here still love and does bands on local pubs is a great start of a branch. Be smiles back his cheeky cheeks and gestures for his also blonde son to come fort in which I smile to also. "Luckily, no but I would like you to meet my son Rufus..." I nod off extending my hand as we shook. "He'll be coming with us on Adam's tour, playing on solo drums with me, basically beating his spoiled bullocks off his trousers." He leans in and whispers the insult to me, hand covering the side where Rufus could see his mouth. We chuckled off as his son playfully hits Roger. "Well indeed, my drum sets are surely wonderful but talent and experience cannot be replaceable. I point off as I nod them to the direction to the back where big instruments are held on.

"Oh I think you're mistaken, I wanted a customized one..." Rufus stops as we stare off the drum sets in plain colors. "Oh dear..." Mr. Taylor sighs, rubbing his face with his hand only to look at his son like he's stupid or something. "No need to fuss Taylors, I don't want fights in my store. You see old geezer, you choose the base when you have a customized one then the designs are chosen according to your choice and base color." I chuckle as Roger smacks off his sons head lightly with a laugh, Rufus laughed as well. "Bloody hell, I'm really sorry." He rubs on the back of his neck as he looks through me and his father, a blush visible on his cheeks. "Let's get this on with shall we?" I finished off our laugh as we then on proceeded. As things were picked: Black drum set with gold linings (Print- sky and thunder, Color- red and gold). "So... Is this a final Mr. Taylor?" I ask them, facing the shade of colors, where the prints are, how visible the print is and the visualization, my drawing for short. "Who are you asking to be specific cause I'll buy him the kit but he'll be the one to play it." Roger sarcastically winks at me as we chuckled in applause for the man. "Well Mr. Taylor, the one using it ofcourse... The drum won't play by itself." I smirked as he nods in agreement as his son nods in agreement. "I can't stop it, I really love your work. You are as phenomenal as Michael Jackson for fucks sake!" Rufus finally burst from the shy persona he kept on being during the order, I laughed to myself as Roger looked at the younger lad when his son acted like him reading a new comic. "Oh, please! Don't. I did start in the industry young but that doesn't mean I'm like the legend himself, not even close... And for you Roger, I do believe that you're just as enthusiastic when you write songs." He looks down in confusion as his shades runs down a bit, his son giggling to himself at the background. "What?" He asks mouth all open as he leans forward in much confusion, hands now inside his brown button up. His son does the same without knowing a bit as he leans forward in confusion of the situation also. "I sometimes wonder how Brian get to talk properly around you back then..." He leans back down to his seat shades still down for as his brows pinch. Rufus ofcourse understand but doesn't get the topic. "What does that have to do with this?" He asks, his raspy voice asked in annoyance. Rufus pulls out his phone and looks up at me again, eyes shimmering like one of my younger fans. "Can I please have a autograph of you? In this paper? I really want to have it in my drum sticks to engrave-" I stopped him with an 'ahh!' as they both look at me in anticipation. "We could also do engravings, you should've just asked Rufus." I giggle to myself as I add a note to the paper design. "Can you also-" He wonders off again after earning a glare from his father. "Yes, I'll sign the drum for you. Want to take a picture?" He nods like a child earning some lollipop after being a good boy, much like a dog now as he leans halfway to my desk. "I think you're too obsessed." Roger points off well enough but more in a whisper. "Like you are in comics, yeah?" I asked once again, being close to my idols get to be a bond when they come to work and like this I use friendship to the max in meeting.

"I sometimes ask myself if your that cat of Fred's who really hated me cause I accidentally stepped on her tail when I was drunk." He pulls his shades up to his hear, looking up in thought as he smiled to himself as well as Rufus and I did. "Maybe I am. I also need a photo with one of Roger in it... Properly!" I got out my phone as I made Rufus delay his phone, Roger defensively snaps his look at me again, shades falling in the process. "Are you joking?! I always look good, some interviewer even fancied me from Break Free!" He stood off his chair drawing attention from staffs and customers, luckily he didn't look back nor leave or else he and Rufus could've been stormed as well as my store. "Calm down Alice In Wonderland, I'm going to give this order in expected it after a month in shipping to the address here. Stay comfy loves!" I heard Rufus silently squeal from the nickname, Roger talking to himself. Maybe complaining and contemplating on when to hit me or not, cause I'm still a girl ofcourse. "I'm back! Taylors? Picture?" I asked jumping behind my seat as I got my phone up to face us both inside. We'd smile and grin, well... Except for Roger, he looks like a lost dog looking somewhere. "Meadows! Look in the bloody phone." I look back to him as he grins in sorry to me. "My sight is shitty and I can't see where the camera is, so..." He fixes his shades to cover his eyes in the picture and smiles to the camera. "You two look alike... Say Taylors!" They screamed back as the camera snaps off to the count of 3. "Thank you so much, Roger?
.. Rufus?... Taylors!... You're welcome here every time, I'll have someone escort you both out as you can see..." I point to the line, gesturing for some guards on the way. Some of the customer looking around or falling in line screams and yells, recognizing them as Roger punches my arm lightly. Rufus pouts down at me as well, we bid on each other by hand as the guards shields them to their limo. Speeding off as I return to my seat. "Hi there sweety..." I gestured down at the other and little girl by the chairs infront of my desk. "Hello, I love you music! When you bum, bom! Chi, chu, pah!" She giggled to herself after burying herself in her mother's clothes as she finished drumming in the air. "Well I'll tell you if you could drum like me on that kit then I'll get you it for free." I kneel down to her, didn't bother to seat on my chair as she looks up to her mother. Nodding in agreement as she beams to me, hugging me as her mother thanked me. "Just be sure to not post this, don't want this girl getting any hate just because of me." Her mother nods as well as her, she proceeds to run to the constellation themed kid drum set setting herself as she began to drum.

I'm not sure if the Roger with the stepping accidentally on a cat's tail thing is true but I used it, if it's true then I'm a wizard now.

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