EP. 1

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You thought. It was midnight and here you were drinking. You had recently broken up with your cheating ex BamBam and since then, you had developed a drinking habit.

You dropped your bottle of vodka you were drinking and it rolled away. You stood up swaying slightly.

"I need to get my mind off of him.. and I think I know how to do it too"
You said out loud

It was that moment you had remembered your neighbors.
About a month ago a group of boys had moved into a house in your neighborhood. They were about 4 houses down from yours.

You walked to the door and opened it gingerly. The night was so beautiful.. The rain was pattering down on the street. You closed the door behind you.

Carefully you made your way down the block to your new neighbors house.

You walked up on their porch and tried the door, which was locked.
You looked around for a key and shortly found it under the mat.
"Typical" you snorted. "What a dumb place to hide the key to your house. Oh well this makes it easier for me"
You leaned on the door and slid the key into the lock and the door opened smoothly.

You walked inside the house and looked around. It was pretty big on the inside and very clean.
You stumbled around looking at everything until you bumped into a table and knocked over a jar that was on there.
It fell it the floor with a loud bang. You shook your head cursing at yourself for being so clumsy.

Suddenly you froze as you heard footsteps coming from the room behind the door where you knocked the jar over.
"Fuck!" you whispered

You began to quickly walk to the door, breaking into a run when you heard the door open.

"shit shit shit!" you thought.

???: "What the hell?"

You ran to the door and flung it open but before you could get much further a hand closed around you arm and you were jerked backwards towards the person and pinned against the wall where you couldn't move

???: Who are you? And why are you in my house?

Y/n: Sorry I thought this was my house.

It sounded pretty legit to you but the man didn't believe you.

???: Liar. How could you mistake this house for yours.

y/n: Oh I don't know, maybe on accident??
You said sarcastically

???: Your drunk aren't you.

y/n : Oh no of course not!

He let go of you and you fell backwards grabbing the railing to steady yourself.

???: I knew you were. You smell like alcohol too.

By this point you were both soaked by the heavy rain that was coming down. he looked at you for a long second and sighed.

???: Do you live with your parents?

y/n: No no I escaped them a year ago. I live by myself I few houses down

???: I'll walk you back to your house.

You nodded reluctantly and spun around quickly, tripping over yourself and stumbling over. The man caught you and slid his hand around your waist helping you down the stairs. He kept his arm there the whole time as you walked back to your house. When you arrived he went to open the door but it was locked. He looked at you expectedly but you had turned pale. You lurched forward and pulled on the door.

y/n: No no no no. Fuck!

???: What's Wrong? Do you have a key?

You slid down and hugged your knees.

you: Yeah but it's inside on the table. I don't have a spare either

He sighed loudly.

???: What's up with you? You aren't that old, you live by yourself and do dumb stuff like drink and do dumber stuff when your drunk! How old are you anyway?!

y/n: I'm nineteen! I'm plenty old!

???: not old enough to drink.

y/n: Oh come onnn chill out. And I don't do this often.

???: sureeeeee I believe that.

y/n: It's true. I don't normally do this

He sat down next to you.

???: What are we gonna do now? I can't just leave you like this.

y/n: yes, yes you can. I'll be fine I'm not a little girl anymore.

He looked at you for a long while before he suddenly stood up and pulled you up with him.
He then bent down and scooped you up, bridal style.

y/n: h- hey! What are you doing!

???: There's no way in hell I'm going to leave a drunk girl who's locked out of her house just on the street. You can come back to my house and sleep in my room.

y/n: W- what??

???: Chill I'm not going to take advantage of you or anything. It's just so you won't get murdered in the night.

You were too tired to argue at that point and on the short walk back you fell asleep.

*??? pov*

I walked in and shut the door with my foot. I looked around glad to see no one else had woken up. I walked silently to my room closing the door behind me. I set her gently on my bed and looked at her, she was asleep.

???: What the fuck am I going to do now?

I shook my head and looked down at my soaking wet clothes.

???: I can't sleep in wet clothes and neither can she.

Then I made up my mind. I grabbed some dry clothes and went to the bathroom and put them on. I walked out and gently shook the girl awake.

???: Yah. Wake up you can't sleep in that.

She didn't respond.
I shook her harder.

y/n: Yahh lemme sleep mom...

???: I'm not your mother Stoopid

The girl sat up and looked at me hazily.

y/n: Wha???

???: You need to change you can't sleep in wet clothes.

y/n: I don't have clothes

She said and flopped back down.

I sighed exasperatedly
"This girl is totally out of it right now" He thought

???: You can wear mine. But you need to change into them.

y/n: *mumbling* I'm to tired.

???: Please for me

y/n: Ughhh fine.

I handed her a hoodie and some sweatpants of mine.

I walked to the bathroom so I could give her privacy and waited for a bit. I came out after like ten minutes and found her crashed out on the sofa. I smiled at her softly before making my way to the bed. Suddenly a thought struck me and I turned around and picked her up again setting her in the bed and covering her with blankets before going and sleeping on the couch myself.

𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜! 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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