Chapter Five

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They looked at me. Be it a bit shocked, I would be too if my brother was suddenly claiming to be a 13-year-old girl that lives in America with a different family.


There was a short silence, I was getting pretty impatient since I really can't stand the silence. I crossed my arms and looked at them. "Are you just not gonna say anything?"I growled a bit. I have a very short temper and seeing as this was not someone I knew or my papa, I was more hostile and rude and how could I not be? The pair looked at each other, they looked a little worried, it was hard to tell what they were thinking.

"Uh excuse us for a minute.." The non-Italiano dude said quickly before grabbing Romano and taking him into another room, closing the door so I don't hear them. I was about to get up and eavesdrop when a small ding suddenly held my attention. Grabbing the phone from my pocket and opening it revealed a text message from Tammy.

'Hey, so um I just became aware of the fact that you are in another body and long story short I think me and the humanized version of Italy are going to New York to get this sorted. Please meet us there, its weird knowing I'm literally talking to a country who is in your body. SOS my dude.'

"Yikes.." I sighed to myself. 'Alright then...New York, it is then..But how the hell am I going to get to New York, I could run away?? God, I would suck at being an actual country for a living.' Sighing loudly, I decided not to be an eavesdrop on the two dorks and went for the cabinets. Rummaging through the cabinets and saw a fondant box that had the name Italy on it, literally.

"Hmm..Hopefully, he wouldn't mind if I took some." I muttered before grabbing the box and grabbing an already opened box and grabbed one of the open packs of fondant and grabbed about a handful of it.

There was another fondant box that wasn't open so taking some wouldn't hurt. I'm not going to lie but it did feel..wrong to eat someone else's fondant but I tried to not feel so guilty and put away the box and started to eat bits of the fondant ball. I grabbed a nearby napkin and headed over to the couch and waited for them to get finished with their conversation.


The door opened to reveal Romano, who looked a little annoyed and the other dude, who seemed happy, weirdly..

"Ok so we have- What are you doing?" Romano stopped mid-sentence.

"What do you mean?"

"Why the hell are you eating fondant?!"

"Because..I want to? It's also pretty good."

He groaned in response and just rolled his eyes.

"Romano, remember what we talked about." The other male whispered to him.

"Yeah I know, Tomato bastard!" Romano growled back. He sighed before continuing.

"Like I was about to say, We have decided that we are going to England for this. I want this to be fixed as quickly as possible since this is going to mess with your work and I refuse to do it all. Got it?"

"Yup! Also..I have a request."

"Ugh, what is it?"

"So I contacted my aunt and they're going to New York and they want me to meet them there, and if any si-fi or fictional story and movies have taught me anything. I think we are going to need my body and your brother who is in my body to be there when we switch. Y'know to switch bodies?" They looked at me a bit confused.

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