Chapter 1: Facebook Post

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"1, 2... 1, 2, 3, 4!" Ashton started to bang on his drums. You could see the music flowing through Calum. Mikey started to bob his head to the rhythm. I began to sing the lyrics that I've sang so many times before. But the lyrics no longer have meaning to me. They aren't real.

After the song finished, Ashton said he needed to use the bathroom so we decide to take a break.

"I CALL LAPTOP!" Calum flung his guitar off his shoulder and ran over to the desk.

"What's the use of calling it, mate? No one else wants it." Mikey laughed and Calum just waved him off. Mikey and I sat down and scrolled through our phones.

"Shit." Calum huffed. I questioned his outburst but he only gave me pity look. This got Mikey's attention and he ran up to Calum. They both looked at the screen.

"Damn. She's definitely changed her taste in guys and her looks." Mikey laughed. This made me stand and look at the screen.

My eyes landed on her at first. She had changed her hair color. She use to have short blond hair that framed her face. Now Des's hair was long, almost down to her butt and more brown than blond. She looks more girly and a lot more tan. But I guess that makes sense since she moved from Indiana to California.

Then my eyes landed on him. Tall, dark, handsome, and athletic. He held a surfboard in one and hand and Des in the other. I felt my heart drop. Its only been a year and a half and she's already moved on.

The day she told me her dad's job was relocating her and her family to California, I was crushed. After spending 3 years of my life with her, she was being forced to leave me. And of course being me, the stupid me I am, I agreed that breaking up was probably the best idea.

Her moving wasn't just hard on me though. The boys took it hard because they were also close and she was our lead vocalist. When she left, gigs got harder to find and our fan base went down.

After looking at the tool she was with, I read the caption, "Going to miss Travis, but I'm really excited to visit everyone in Indiana! Gonna miss you, babe! Don't have too much fun without me(:".

"Wait." I breathed in. "She coming here for the summer?" I blinked and reread the caption trying to make sense of this all.

"So let me get this straight." Mikey laughed a bit. "You're ex girlfriend, who has become 7 times hotter, has a boyfriend, and might even forget who you are, is coming to visit for the whole summer?" at this he started laughing. I couldn't help but tear up. I wasn't prepared for this. Calum punches Mikey and made a motion toward me. He looked up from the screen and instantly regretted what he said.

"Listen, mate. Maybe she isn't even coming here. Keep your head up." he patted my back and smiled at me with sorrow.

Ashton stormed in the room. "No one go to the bathroom for a while. It smells like the devil himself took the biggest sh..." he looked at us all sitting around the computer, me with tears in my eyes. "what's going on?" he walked up to the computer, saw the screen, then left the room.

"Looks like you're not the only one who's upset about this." Calum said.

"It was his best friend for 11 years, then she just up and left him without saying goodbye." Mikey chimed in. He was right. She hadn't told Ash about the move until the minuet she left, and even then, it was through text. He had tried calling her and texting her every hour for 2 months. Not once did she answer or respond, even after reading them.

I should feel lucky she at least told me, but then again sometimes a blessing can be a curse.

"Hey guys." Calum once again got out attention. "She just deleted that post and changed her relationship status.." he looked at me. I didn't know what to feel. Maybe, just maybe I can win her back.

***Des's POV***

While helping me pack, Sonny turned on some music. She kept a low volume so we could talk.

"How long do you think it will take before Travis takes a hint?" Sonny laughed. I scowled at her. "Don't give me that face. I know for a fact the only reason you agreed to go visit your Grandma this summer was so you could get away from him and go see what's-his-face." she rolled her eyes.

"His name is luke." I snapped. "luke."

"All I'm saying is you need to end things with him soon before you get stuck." Sonny was right. I looked at her with soft eyes and nodded. "If it was me, I'd do it now." she said nodding toward my phone. I sighed and nodded. "I'll finish packing, you call Travis." She left me in my room alone as she went down to the laundry room to get some more clothes.

My hands shook as I clutched the phone in my sweaty palms. But, before I could even unlock my phone, Travis' face lit up my screen. I felt like fainting. I unlocked it and greeted him. His voice was a little more airy and shaky than usual.

"Des. I need to say something and I need for you to just listen and hear me out. I know we've been together for almost 2 months and it's been great," my heart started to pound. "but I think that you going away for three months to another state is going to be too hard for us. We've had a good ride but this is just too much for me, do you understand."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know whether to be ecstatic or heartbroken. I stutter at my reply. "I-I-uh yeah. I get it. no hard feelings.." the conversation ended after he apologized four more times and told me we could still be friends and that he was going to miss me.

I locked my phone and say it on my night stand. I walked over to the laptop, logged into Facebook and updated somethings and then went back to my bed. Taking a deep breath, I laid back and relaxed into my bed. Woah. I was going to Indiana, single, and going to see my ex who o was obviously still head over heels for.. this. this was going to be a trip to remember.

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