USJ Part 3

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A/N Thank you all for supporting my story! Please send as much feedback as you can!

                   Izuku waited until the two heroes grabbed onto his shirt, clutching it tightly, Izuku shook his head while trying to steady himself from the harshly rocking boat, the waves slapping against its sides from Izuku's punch "you need to touch my skin... Hold my hand alright?" Tsuyu blushed, for a girl that's blatant and straightforward, with a hint of being emotionless, she was still victim to actions like these, she sucked it up and grabbed his hand, the pervert grabbing his other hand, Izuku shuddered just imagining where those sickly boys' hand had been he couldn't fathom what perverted acts he committed or were yet to commit, In an instant Izuku and the others materialized 'beam me up Scotty' played in Izukus mind, their shoes hitting what Izuku recognized as sand, Izukus red boots slowly sinking into the beautiful golden specked beach "owghhhh..." Tsuyu, unfortunately, landed on a mangled body of one of many villains, some were strewn about littering the ground like a battlefield,most were motionless, face down on the sand and some were trying to nurse their broken bodies, the rest were floating in the water like dead fish, her claw-like hands and arms twisted into odd angles, her, fish-like tail crooked and bent, Izuku could have sworn that more than a few bones were sticking out, she yelped and clutched Izukus hand tighter "I-is she dead!" Mineta shook with fear and angst, "how did they get broken limbs from soft sand?" the greenette whispered, Tsuyu stepped off the twitching body with shaky legs and looked at Midoriya with an unreadable expression "you need help Midoriya -ribbit- I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I know that there are other ways to -ribbit- apprehend villains without such pain and violence -ribbit- your the smartest in the class -ribbit- please don't do that again -ribbit-" Izuku hesitated and flinched as Asui clutched his hand a little tighter, not to make him submit but to know that she was there for him, he nodded "I-Ill try" he gave a bright smile that melted her heart. -BOOOOM- Izuku looked out past the small beach they were on and saw Aizawa get pummeled by some black giant (I'm not being racist) with a bird beak and a brain for a head its beady eyes poking out of the brain matter, some blue-haired boy with hands-on his face laughed maniacally at the heroes attempts to defeat the beast, his chapped lips twisted up into an ugly smile, watching in amusement as the hero got beaten and abused, then someone popped into the vision of Izuku, he froze. MOMO, she was trying to sneak behind the villain and get the jump on the villain leader. She held two flashbangs in her right hand and steadily unpinned both of them, still holding them in her grasp, internally Izuku panicked 'why isn't she throwing them! Throw them!' she shook out of Asuis grip "Midoriya!" she yelled but it was too late, and so was he, just as she threw them the leader noticed and yelled something, in an instant, she was swatted away like a fly, the flashbangs with it, the sheer power sent a small shockwave that uprooted some of the trees that she was in a collision course for, the villain giving a triumphant laugh. Her body spun in the air like a pinwheel, soon arcing in the air as gravity took ahold of her, she was soon lost in the sea of trees that consumed her as if nothing had happened "MOMO" he ran after where she landed, if he could not see it, he couldn't teleport so he ran in her general direction and soon found Momo in the foliage of the forest part of the USJ, blood pooling out of her head, her body twitching spastically, he lifted Momos head into his lap and cried silently "M-M-Momo please be ok".


                                      Izuku watched in horror as her movements slowly subsided and her eyes slowly became grey "M-MOMO PLEASE DONT DIE" he cried "I-Izuku I ca-can't see" Izuku breathed a sigh of relief as she was still alive but he wasn't in the clear yet, her voice was weak, she tapped at her large yellow belt "g-get ban-dages" Izukus eyes opened wider 'so that's what it is, I thought it was just for show' without wasting another second he opened one of the holsters 'bars' he opened another 'more bars' he opened another and another until he finally found a large wrap with gauze, "I'm going to wrap this around your head ok?" Izuku waited for a response, there was none. Izuku panicked his eyes streaking with tears "okokokok hah I just have to wrap them hahaha" he couldn't have a mental break now, he couldn't fail her, he lifted her head, her congealed blood sliding down his leg in unhealthy amounts "hahahahhh" he wrapped it around her head as tightly as possible until only her nose and mouth was visible, the blood finally stopped "If you die Momo hehhah, ill have no choice but to kill Mina and myself so we can b-be together in the a-afterlife, well be one happy family I promise hahhhaah...Hah" Izuku lifted her bridal style and walked her to the general direction of the exit if the villains found him so be it, but they'd be rewarded with a very, very, very, slow and painful death "MIDORIYA" Jirou ran up to him with haste, her eyes widening at the sickly state that Momo was in, the only way you could tell it was her was her bright red hero suit with a yellowish bottom half "I-I tried to find her but I couldn't, I tried to stop her.. I really tried, I saw her get hit, I looked for her, but found you instead, the heroes came and Gal Might is trying to defeat that monster" Izuku just blinked "are you ok Midoriya?" Jirou found his face unreadable as if on cue a huge roar exploded as the middle of the USJ was covered in plumes of smoke, and bits of rock "Jirou, can you hold Momo for me please?" Jirou knew by the tone of his voice that it wasn't a question it was an order she was too shocked to respond as the class cinnamon roll just pulled a completely different personality out of nowhere, she nodded and soon held the seemingly dead Momo in her arms, a single tear ran down her cheek and onto the unrecognizable girl she watched Izuku walk off, she could see it in his emerald eyes, he was a man on a mission

and nothing was going to stop him.

A/N Thanks for reading! Please comment! Words 1137!

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