SMT 1: A Good Day To Start

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"I'm a free person. I can do whatever I want."

Moving my hands up to his dark brown hair I tugged on it slightly causing a loud groan escape his mouth. That was enough to turn me on completely and the feeling of want from him overwhelmed me.

Not breaking the kiss once, he bent down, moved his hands down to my thighs and lifted me up. He bit down the sensitive part of my ear.



My eyes snapped open from the voice. The sunlight coming from the window burns my eyes slight making my eyes shut again. I clenched the blanket and completely cover my whole body from it. How dare she wake me up from my sexy dream.

The door of my room slammed open, revealing a panting hyena, my sister. Exposing my head while my body is still under the blanket I stared at her in confusion. She was neatly dressed in her uniform.

"My breakfast and you are late from your work." My sister said in demand pointing at the desk near my bed. Her shoes tapping the floor in rhythm. She really knows how to annoy me, brat.

"I'm a free person. I can do whatever I want." My voice seems scratchy. Did that kiss dries my mouth? No way that was a dream. A good dream.

"More like you got fired."

"I didn't get burn."

"Stop joking around. Make my breakfast."

"Fine." I surrendered. Getting up from your own bed is the most tiring. I love my bed. I'm in a relationship with my bed. Slipping inside the bathroom, I do my usual routine, brushing my teeth and wet myself. Not that wet. You green minded person. I mean showering. I wear my pastel purple shirt and skinny jeans. Honestly, I got the shirt as a gift from my friend.

I entered the kitchen, preparing the ingredients for me to cook, scrambled egg and bacon. She likes bacon. It's my sister's favorite. Speak of the devil, here she comes, scanning the letters on her hands. Picking a plate, I glanced at her. "What did you got?"

"Letters." She says, rolling her eyes on me before sitting on the kitchen stool.

"No bacon." I smirk. I set down the cooked food on the table. Grabbing a glass of water, drinking it.

"Bills, bills, rejection from a company? and one from Sarah. Can I have the bacon now?" She angrily stared at me waiting for my response.

"Sure." I snickered, breaking the eye contact plopping myself down on one of the stool. "Just two bills?"

"Of course it's just two. Electricity and water. What other bill would we be paying."

"Your apartment bill."

"Excuse me? This is our house, not an apartment."

"Correction, my house."

"I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going."

I watch her push her plate away, muttering to herself. "Eat your food or I'll feed it to Mugsy."

"I dare you." She hissed, slinging her bag to her shoulder, stomping.

"Mugsy come here boy."

A loud bark can be heard on the other side.

"Gosh. I'm eating. Happy?" She groaned.

I smiled in triumphant, as she continue eating her breakfast. Mugsy came running jumping on my lap. I laughed brushing his fur with my hands.

Oh great, what a free loader. At least he guard the house while we were gone. Mugsy is a pomeranian dog. Fancy. I know. I stole him.

I set Mugsy down on the floor near his own bowl filling it with dog food. I watch him scarfing his food, not minding the mess. Monday is gonna clean that mess.

"I'm not cleaning that." Monday disagreed while cleaning her plates. "Sarah send a letter. Aren't you and Sarah  neighbors? There's another way of sending ya know? Texting."

I raised an eyebrow and blowing a raspberry at her. Taking all the letters on the table, reading them one by one.

"Not my problem." I answer.

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