necessities - dream

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YOU DIDN'T NEED MUCH. Just Netflix, a bed, a blanket and a nice cup of tea.

This was your ideal day. Your day of perfection. Or in this situation, night.

The mellow night continued, with you curled up under a blanket and holding a warm cup of milk tea. You were binging your favourite series, once again, as the light pitter patter of rain sank into the background. The faint glow from the tv was the only source of light in your room, while you stared lazily at the screen.

The drizzle of rain gradually morphed into something stronger, although you didn't take notice to the slightest of change due to your attention being on the television. You brought the cup to your lips, enjoying the warm burst it gave you on the chilly night as you wiggled further underneath the covers.

Then suddenly in a crack of thunder, darkness.

All light went out in your apartment, the panic and fear on the girl's face on the television looking back at you. Glancing out your window pane, the city lights you could see from your window were also blackening in a matter of seconds. the once light fall of rain, was now thudding aggressively, like drums, on the window sill.

You shakily place your mug on your bedside, and rummage through the blankets in a blind panic to find your phone. You absolutely disliked thunder storms. No scratch that, you loathed thunder storms. Without the show distracting you from your intrusive thoughts, bizarre scenarios began to play in your head.

In effort to push them aside, you mainly concentrated on calling clay. Your fingers moved swiftly along the screen, slightly rocking yourself back and forth. Your screen flashed to his contact information, and without second thought, you clicked call.

Anxiety built up inside you with every ring he missed, your fingernails edging to the ends of your teeth. He was one to always pick up on the first couple of rings, and you knew that, but you were still was on edge with thunder rumbling outside.

Finally, your nerves eased slightly as the words "ringing" turned into numbers.

"Hi (Y/N)! Was just on call with George. I'm thinking to head over right now, and I'm starving. Want me to buy us some chocolate?" The gleeful voice of Clay ran through your mind, but still feeling agitated, you found yourself tumbling over your words.

"Hey, you alright? —" with a bit of rustling on the other end, it made it difficult to hear what he was trying to say. However, when it finally settled, there was dead silence on both ends.

"What the fuck, why is it pouring and also pitch-black outside. Is it a black out?"

Out of nowhere, without a hint of lightning beforehand, thunder crackled in the sky, as if laughing at your state of fear. You mumbled profanities under your breath, rubbing away the tears from your eyes.

"Yeah, um. I think it's a black out throughout the whole city. It's completely dark where I am," you said into the phone, trying your best not to let your voice quiver.

"Ok, ok. I'll be there as fast as I can. I'll be sprinting for you (Y/N). Just hold on tight. I'll be at your door before you know it," Clay quickly comments, the wind coming through the speaker, indicating that he was running.

The call ended with Clay huffing air, along with rain hitting the pavement like rocks. Though you were worried that he would get hit by a driver on the road, you tugged on his sweater, and sat near the front door for his arrival.

The silence masked by the rain was suffocating you from the inside, knowing that the tick of the clock, or even the buzz of the refrigerator was usually there as comfort sounds.

You were sure seconds had ticked by, but you weren't sure how many had actually passed. Has it been minutes or hours since he started jogging here? What if he coincidentally got struck by lightning? It is scientifically possible since there are about 20 thousand cases per year in America.

What startled you awake from your thoughts were the heavy thuds on your door. Knowing it was the one and only Clay, you opened up the door, and in an instant, you were enveloped in a hug. A bit surprised by the sudden movement, you were stiff for a beating second, but melted into his arms. You inhaled, taking in the fresh smell of rainwater he brought in.

"I'm sorry I took so long. Babe, were you ok?" He panted near my neck; concern laced into his question.

Attempting to work with words did not go too well last time, so you let out a soft sob into his chest, clutching the surface of clothing he had on.

The second thing you despised the most was letting others see you cry, but you were scared for Christs sake. What more was there to do?

Hearing your quiet sobs, Clay began to sway slowly, whispering comfort into your ear. You calmed down, lulled by the tone of his voice and the care he showed.

"I will always be here to protect you from any harm (Y/N). I'll come running to you like I did today."

"You'd just look plain stupid Clay."

"I certainly am stupidly in love with you."


You didn't need much. Just a caring, funny and lovable boyfriend. Clay.

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