late night stream - georgenotfound

756 30 2

warning :
swearing, probably some vocab mistakes, cringe <3

note :
sorry I'm so inconsistent LULW I'm trying to write a book atm! I'll try to update more often ✊😔

A LIGHT DRUMMING played on your table, your lazy gaze looking through the recommended videos on your YouTube web site. Small clips made you laugh wholeheartedly, alerting the snoozing kitten in your lap. Once standing up and looking around in patrol, the kitten curled up into a ball into your lap. Headphones on, and music booming into your ears, you relaxed after a hard working, long day. A comforter on your shoulders, you sat comfortably in your chair.

Yet there, slicing through your moments of peace, came a piercing scream from the room next door. Followed by some hard knocking on a table.

It was a late at night with the rain pouring outside, more so early in the morning, but you couldn't sleep anyway with a particular brunette screaming his throat pipe to shreds. You worry for his vocal chords and if he'll lose his voice with all the shouting and screeching he does for a living. no wonder the neighbours give him nasty looks in the morning.

The noise ceased when his door slam closed. You figured he went to go piss, so you creeped into his room and onto his gaming chair. You fiddled with his headset before turning the microphone on and putting it on your head

"George went to the loo LOL Hi chat." You smile giddily and talk into the microphone in front of you. The entirety of George's setup overwhelmed you a little, but you just drummed your fingers on the table to ease the nervousness.

User2 : HI (Y/N)!!!
User3 : finally the WOMAN is HERE
User4 : george really went not found lmfao

"Can't believe he went and left the chat on spot with no entertainment," you shake your head, "ALRIGHT, chat want to hear a fun fact?"

You scan the chat box and see spams of agreement, so you continued on the small secret. "Ok so, George actually pees in the public pool-"

Just as you were about to go into detail, you heard the door creak open with none other than George. He entered with a once shocked but amused face.

"(Y/N) what are you doing on my stream?" he says, already casually laughing before the sentence. "You didn't say anything to cancel me did you?"

"Of course not! Never! Why would I ever," you just about say, before a donation rang out. 'George is a pissbaby?? Is it finally confirmed??"

"(Y/N), what did you tell chat!"

"Nothing! Really! Just about you and pissing!"

He rushed to his monitor, a smile hanging on his face. "Did you actually- oh my god get off." He turned to where you were sitting, his gaming chair, and nudged his head as indication. Obviously, being rebellious and a hardcore bitch, you crossed your arms and stayed put. "I will actually push you off (Y/N)."

"As if you could Gogy," you challenged, smirking in victory. There would be no way he could get you off, especially during stream.

"Watch me," he said in thought squinting his eyes at you. In contrast, you were still smiling and crossing your arms. He drifted to his window, and his expression morphed into surprise. "Oh my god, look!"

Obviously suspicious of him, but curious to what he was talking about, you leaned out the chair in the direction he was looking. Just as you were about to talk shit to George, he nudged his ass onto the chair beside you.

"George- get OFF you're going to crush my HIPS," you whine with effort.  "You're streaming idiot!"

Changing his mouth shape into an O, he typed away onto his keyboard and attempted to turn off the facecam. Taking this time to your advantage, you nudged back your part of the chair.

"Why am I transitioning sideways? Did I break it again?" He leaned forward to the monitor to recheck the settings as you finally pushed him onto the ground with your foot.

Finishing the process with a click, George stood up from the floor with a slight smile lingering on his face. You raised your eyebrows at him in anticipation and checked his movements. In one quick motion, George grabbed your waist with his hands and lifted you up slightly. You gasped in the sudden movement, and before you noticed, you sat on his lap.

"Is this seat alright for you?" He looked into your eyes with a stingy smile, but searched for a sense of discomfort. You simply shared the smile and leaned into his chest.

"I'm content now thank you Gogy." You cozied into the crook of his neck while he traced shapes into the back of your shirt. Circles from stars to rectangles.

As the rain began to subside and subtle gusts of wind bounced off of the windows, George ended his stream with you still lazily on his lap. Not having the will to even wake you up, George too fell asleep without a sense of discomfort. He wrapped his arms around you while your's were around him.


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