This Is Not My Thing (Auslly Fluff One Shot)

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Ally's POV

"So what do you want to do?" Austin asks, attentively.

"I don't know." I reply, bored. I was at Austin's house and right now, we were trying to think of something for us to do. I wanted to suggest something badly but I was sure Austin would say no. I was going to suggest reading.

I decided to go for it, having the opportunity now. "Why don't we read some books? I just checked out about 20 new ones recently from the library for the entire week!" I said, getting excited and very eager. I really wanted to read.

"No!" He yells, whining. "Reading is sooooo boring. I could barley stay awake at school hearing people read out loud and now this?! What the heck? Don't make your boyfriend go through even MORE torture!" He replies, throwing his arms in the air, clearly upset.

"Well?" I ask. "What would YOU suggest? Clearly since you hate my idea." I turn to him, giving him a questioning look.

"Actually," He says, smirking. "I have an idea. A hot one alright!"

Oh no. Not this.

He continues. "Let's play truth or dare. Actually, just dares! I'll go first! I dare you to make out-"

I stop him, mid sentence, not wanting him to go on. "Okay! I get it! Your ideas are always involving kisses, make out sessions, and a bunch of other sexual activities."

He looks at me, frowning. "Hey! That's offensive. It's not my fault my hormones want to take over. It's a guy thing. And who wouldn't want to do those things with someone as irresistible and beautiful as you?" He leans over and plants a kiss in my cheek. I blush.

"Well, thanks Austin. You're great too." I lean in, wanting to plant a kiss on his cheek but he moves. The kiss lands on his lips instead.

"Austin!" I say.

"What? It was bound to happen babe. And by the way I'm not just great, I'm Awesomeus!" He flexes his arms, his rippling muscles showing.

"Yeah, whatever. We totally got out of topic though. We should get back on topic. So, what do you want to do?" I ask.

"Well, you don't like my amazing idea so I suggest video games."

"Woah that's not my thing. I have no idea how to play." I say.

"No big deal. Here, I'll teach you." He offers, smiling.

"I guess so. What game will we play?"

"Zaliens 8! That's one of my favorites." Austin goes over to the large flat screen TV in his living room, takes out the game, puts it in the console, and grabs a game controller.

He only grabbed one? Why?

"One control. What about the other one?"

"Oh Ally. You'll see." He smiles, excited. This must be good.

"Okay, this is how I'll teach you. You'll sit on my lap on the floor. I'll grab your hands from behind while you hold the control. I'll guide your hands with mine while playing. You good with that?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's fine. We will start easy right?" I ask.

"Of course." He replies. He sits on the floor as I walk up to him and sit on his lap. He grabs my hands from behind, intertwining his with mine. He puts his head on my shoulder, leans in, and kisses me. I'm shocked at first but I let it go, letting him kiss me.

The kiss is passionate but not demanding. Sparks fly whenever we kiss. I get butterflies in my stomach too. We pull away.

"I never said you could that." I say, staring at him. He chuckles.

"You're cute. It's distracting." He shrugs. "Plus," He says, leaning in so his forehead touches mine, "I freaking love you."

I smile and so does he. "I love you too, Tiger. Let's just get back to the lesson." I say.

"Yeah yeah. Okay. No more seducing." He replies.

"Do you give everyone gaming lessons?" I ask, wonder taking over my thoughts.

"Not everyone but I did give Dez a lesson similar to this one." He says.

My eyes widen. "You told Dez to sit on your lap too?"

Now, it's his turn to widen his eyes. "What?! No! I just taught him how to pass a difficult level. And, we sat on the couch, AWAY from eachother with enough personal space."

"Oh. That makes more sense." I say.

"Yeah. You think? Let's just get back to the gaming lesson. Oh my god I'm sounding like a teacher!" He panics and I laugh.

"It's okay. Let's just began." I say.

"Okay. We will start easy." He goes to the settings and changes the game mode from 'pro challenged' to 'beginner easy'.

"Hold the controller like this." He says. I do what he says.

"Good." He says. "Now, you'll use the joint stick to move your character, which is a Zalien, and pounce on your prey with the button on top." I do what he says.

"Awesome! Keep going!" He says, smiling.

Suddenly, something pops out in the side of the screen and I jump out of my seat, startled and soon I'm yelling.

"Ahhhhhh!!!! Austinnnnnn!!!" I yell.

Instead of helping me, I find Austin laughing his butt off. It looks like he's going to cry.

"Wow! Man oh man! That was hilarious!" He says, still laughing.

"Hey!" I say. "I got scared! What was that?"

"Another Zalien. Duh. It was trying to get the prey you pounced on earlier from you. Try again. Here." He takes the game controller and restarts the level.

I take it back and play the game. I kept messing up. After about the 50th time, I was getting the hang of it. It was getting easier for me, now that I found a pattern and knew what was coming.

"Ally, this is great progress! Even though we've been here for like..."
He looks at his watch. "3 hours, it's good! Very good." Oh, how sweet.

"Aw, thanks Austin!" I turn around and lean in, giving him a peck on the lips. He smiles.

"You are very welcome beautiful. And you said video games weren't your thing! What are the odds?" He says, smiling.
So, another one shot. I had this idea in my head for a while so I decided to write it. I was really satisfied on how the entire thing turned out. I hope you enjoyed this second one. Feel free to message me suggesting an idea for a new story. I really want to write a multi chapter fanfic but I don't know how to exactly start and I don't know what it would be about. It would have to do with Auslly though. I ship them so hard! They're my OTP (One True Pairing for those who didn't know) Well, don't forget to vote and comment! :) Until next time.


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