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I hate it, the loneliness, the silence of the room, the ticking of clock, the padding of my servants, I hate it because it always makes me realise how alone I am, how I have no one, how there is no one to cater my needs because they want to, not because they have to. It sucks sitting here and always trying to imagine the world, and the people around here. And it's fucking pathetic to crave connection but knowing you can't be even on waiting list.

Ring Ring

Picking up my phone from my bedside table, knowing thats where I always put it, swapping the screen from left to right in bottom, I hear the sound,

"Hello, my brother!!"

"Uh, Sean?"

"Aye, old soul, this is Sean here, it's a relief to hear that you haven't forgotten us."

"Haha, Sean I hope you know I wouldn't dare commit such a crime. So why have you called, not that I don't appreciate it."

"Ah, you are still the same, dot to dot guy, huh? Oh well, do you remember my sister, Sharon, well she actually just graduated college and she got hired as an assistant editor in some wierd named magazine, what was its name?... gyaah, forget it, so the problem is that, the magazine which hired her is in your town, and well she is looking for a place to stay, so...."

", you know very well Sean that I don't do well with people snooping in my privacy, and.. she is a girl, they snoop."

"Man, I should be insulted, but I can promise you this that she won't disturb you, if she do, you can throw her out, best friend sister or not, yeah? And just let her stay for like 2-3 weeks and then she will manage on her own. I know her, being independent and all."

"Ahh, I really don't know, I mean I want to help you and... shit man, you just know how to get me thinking, give me some time, will you? When is she starting?"

"Not until the next week, and yeah take your time, just ring me whenever, except for nights ofcourse, my wife waits."

"Yeah, sure. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, bro."

Exhaling a large breath, I stop and think the pros and cons of a a lady living here for 3 weeks. I still remember his sister, she was like a sunshine, always smiling, sharing and helping animals, talking chirpily, scraping knees and elbows, although I dont know what she looks like, but I hope she ain't like those ladies who take pity on me, because I don't need that, if I moved on, you should too.

Ugh, this is so bad but I know I can't say no, Sean was my rock, in the high school, we have been friends since kindergarten and we being neighbours didnt help the fact, whenever I got laughed on or insulted he stood beside me listening to all of it. I can do this for him. I have to. It's the least I could do.


"James! Can you come up?"

Although I dont always need my care taker, but I have to make this call and now or else I might change my mind.

"Yes sir?"

"I need your help, come here"

I motioned him with my hand, and soon felt a hand on my shoulder, it was his way of telling me that he is near and listening, James has always been a guy I can truly depend on, he was there when my parents left me, he was there when my girlfriend dump me, and he was there when I was drowning in my bathtub. He is polite and non-nosy. And that's how I like it.

"I need you to dial the top number from my recent list."

"Sure, sir."

Feeling a phone on my ear, I nodded my head for him to know I can handle it,

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