(2) Loved by the One

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Tetsutetsu x Heartbroken Silver (With a bit of Mirio x Koacora)

You think finding your forever would live to your Happy Endings. Your 'Happily Ever After'.

Unfortunately not for me I'm afraid.


"Come on Sil!!" My twin sister, Summer yelled at me through closed doors. "You can stay in there forever!!"

I growled out: "Fricking watch me!!" Following that with a snarl and kitsune bark, as she returns it with her famous Kyubi barks.

"Come on~~~~~! Just because you're sexuality is out in the open, doesn't mean--" I cut her off immediately with: "SHUT UP!! This has NOTHING to do with that!!!" That when something clicking, making me even MORE frustrated.

"Adding to that, I lean towards guys!!!!" I told her while getting up and kicking the damn door hard enough to make it hit her and yelp with a series of curses.

"I didn't mean it like that, and you know it." I grind my teeth, but continue to listen. "I may not understand why our family ability is malfunctioning with you. But I do know that Blaze and I are here to help." I blinked and looked up to the door that stands between me and her. "You're not alone."

I scoff.

"Easy for you to say." I heard her question "huh?" as I continue. "You've got shark boy wrapped around you like a moth to flame, or a tremor monster to vibrations." I turn my body around with arms crossed.

She went quiet, which meant I hit a nerve.

Or so I thought.

"That's what I want to believe, Sil." My eyes widen and I immediately face the door. "I want to believe he's the one. I want to believe he won't see me as a demon if I showed him. That he won't turn on me, use me. Silver there are so many things I want, that they completely overshadow what I wish."

I gulped, feeling my heart beating fast while it also drops to my stomach as I asked the general question.

"What is it, that you'd wish for?" She was silent, as I made my way to the door and pressed my right fox ear against it, only to her sigh.

"To rid of my fear, and actually do my wants that are nothing more than hollow wishes said to a star. That, Sil, is my wish."

I tense up and sobbed as I quickly open the door and leaped into Summer's arms and cried loudly, before another set of arms appear.

I look up, still looking terrible, and saw it was Blaze, the Triplet: middle child, of the three of us.

He looks down to me and gives me a small smile as I tear up, replay all the memories that got in this situation.

~Flashback~ (this 👉 ~.~ means flashback)

"Oi! Tomoe!!" I turned around to my friend in class 1B Tetsutetsu, and smiled.

"Ohayou Tetsutetsu~!!" I said waving my hands, as he runs to catch up with me.

"Man. You're way to fast." I chuckle as he places his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Not my fault. You're just to slow Tetsu~." His head perks up and he playfully glares at me, making me chuckle once again as we start walking towards the exit.

"So, uh, I heard that your sister might have found her… what was the word for 'SoulMate' in that language of yours??" He asked scratching the back of his neck before looking to me curious, as I blinked before covering my mouth from the released giggles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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