I'm Done

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At school

J: just he careful
M: i will, plus i can clearly defend myself
J: see you later
M: bye

Mads walks to the gym for cheer tryouts

Coach: hello girls, welcome to cheer tryouts, there is only 20 spots, so give your best today

Mads was warming up when someone walked up to her

Ch: well look who showed up
M: me? Your the one who went unconscious *laughs*
Ch: whatever *walks away*

Mads POV
     Ooo i hate that bitch so fucking much, i swesr if we both end up on the team

Coach: ok first thing we are gonna do is jist some basic things

All the girls do the basic things
They do some more things like tumbling and pyramids, the last thing they did was each girl made up a small routine to perform

Mads POV
    I was waiting for my turn to show my routine, finely i was up, i did my thing, honestly i was proud of myself,  tryouts were finally over and we would get the results tomorrow, i walk to my class and gave my teacher ky note that the coach gave us girls, i sit next nessa

N: how was it?
M: it was pretty good, i mean i got to skip two classes so
N: yeah lucky, Jaden looked pretty lonely in 1st *laughs*
M: I'll make up for it *giggles*


M: has anyone seen Jaden?
Jo: no
B: nope
Ad: i saw him in the hallway on my way here
N: He's probably using the bathroom or something
M: yeah probably

Anthony walks over to Mads

An: *wispering* i just saw Jaden talking to Charly in the hallway
M: oh, thanks for telling me *walks out the cafeteria*

Mads pov
     Talking to Charly, why though?
I turn the corner and see...them kissing, they stop and Charly looks at me and smirks, Jaden looks at me like he just saw a ghost

J: Mads, i swear it's not what it looks like!
M: why?!... *crying* i-i thought you loved me!
J: i do!
M: if you did, you wouldn't be kissing your fucking ex! *cries harder*
J: Mads pleas-
M: no just stop, i don't wanna see you, we're over... *runs to the bathroom*
J: shit!
Ch: so now rhat your single-
J: no, you shut up, i just the only person i love, because you wanna be a little whore and kiss me! I fucking hate you everyone does, now i need to go find Mads

Mads pov
     I can't believe him, out of all people why her, i love him so much, yet he dosen't love me, i text Nessa to come to the bathroom


Hey...can you come to the bathroom?

Uhh yeah, are you okay? Did you find Jaden?

No, and yes..

I'm on my way
*end of chat*

5 mins later Nessa opens the bathroom door

N: oh my god Mads, are you okay?
M: me and Jaden broke up...
N: what, why?
M: i saw him kissing Charly
N: I'm gonna kill him! You get cleaned up amd walk back to the cafeteria amd ask Josh to take you home, im gonna go deal with this basterd, I'll meet you guys there after, ok
M: ok

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