Fixing your heart...(Sora x Nobody Reader)

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He was on the brink of disappearing everyone was. You already messed up their dreams in order to mend their hearts and it worked. But not looked at the broken boy. His heart was so badly damaged from the didn't know how or if you could save him. It hurt you just to look at him. Funny thing about that was you were a Nobody. You couldn't remember or feel. The Organization didn't know well as the guardians of light.They didn't know what happened to their hearts or if anyone had saved them. They only remembered what happened hours ago. You sighed while smiling at all of the happy dreams that you had given them. From Donald on a sailboat to Ven who was watching the stars with his friends. "Sora..." You whispered holding the shards of his heart. His heart was beaming with light. You couldn't explain the feeling. But it was amazing. You didn't want this feeling to be lost. "I'm sorry..." You whispered crying. "Who are you? Why are you crying? Please don't cry..." A really faint voice asked. You didn't want to respond. A piece of his heart was speaking to you? You didn't want his heart connecting to your nonexistent one. "Please don't cry..." He said. "Your heart it's too broken...I can't mend it..." You said frowning. He didn't say anything.

    Drawings surrounded you that were fails. You didn't understand what was wrong with his heart. Every time you would make a dream stitch it wouldn't stick. He was fast asleep. Barely holding onto life. You didn't know what to do. His heart was so broken. You managed to find all the shards but it didn't matter because you couldn't piece it back together. You drew the boy and Kairi watching the sunset. "This has to work..." You whispered looking at the dream.

  Kairi held out the star shaped fruit. Sora looked surprised. He should be happy but he isn't. Something didn't feel right about this. What was wrong with this moment? He sighed then it hit him. That girl...she was so sad. "Is this a dream?" He asked. "No...I really want to share it with you..." Kairi said smiling. He sighed looking at her. "Is all of this a dream?!" Sora asked. "It isn't...I'm really here..." She said. You wanted the stitch to stick. So you talked through Kairi without Sora knowing. The warm wind blew softly. "Kairi..." He said holding her hand. You smiled. 

            You stitched it together with two other dreams like this. "Yes!" You said.

"It's so beautiful..." She said closing her eyes. "Yeah..." Sora said looking at her. "It's so nice to be home..." "Kairi I have something I want to say..." "Yes?" "I....." He began. "What is it Sora?" She asked. "I'm going to wake up now!" He said. You were in shock. How did he know? 

They came undone. "No! No one has broken the stitches before! H-how?!" You whispered looking at him. He only had hours to live. Your protection spell would wear off soon. It was a spell that made his body think that he still has a heart. "What now?" You asked. Everyone was looking for him. Yes you had to kidnap him and have him close. His heart was that broken. "I'm sorry...." You whispered. "I want the one who was crying..." He said. You knew that this wasn't the real Sora. It was just a piece of his heart. You didn't respond. You he wanted you in his dreams? A Nobody.... "If it's only a few..." You whispered. Fixing the failures of dreams. And it worked. You only needed to make one more stitch. You frowned as you drew you and Sora in front of the castle with flowers everywhere. You weren't visible in these dreams. You were there just not really. "I better leave before he wakes up..." You said frowning. You didn't want to be found. You put his stitched up heart back inside his chest. You took a deep breath grabbed your note book and ran.


"W-what happened?" He asked opening his eyes. He was in a small house laying on a bed. "My head..." He sighed looking around. "Huh?" He got up and picked up a drawing. "_-___?" Sora asked looking at it. The girl was no where to be found. This worried him. He sighed putting the drawing in his pocket. "I will find you." Sora said leaving the small house.

You went to the land of sea and sky. You didn't know what you wanted. The stars were out. "It's beautiful..." You said laying down. "Maybe I should fade away here..." You said frowning. You didn't have anywhere to return to. You didn't have a home or a somebody... You sat up and hugged your knees. "No one will miss me...if I were to fade..." You said. That was when you saw someone in the distance. "It....can't be...." You said frowning. You were in between the real world and Sora's world. So how could someone find you. It didn't make sense. "____! Where are you?!" He asked looking around. "....."

"That voice...."

You couldn't run. You had to talk to him. "There you are!" Sora said hugging you. You didn't move as he held you close to him. This wasn't right. He should be hugging Kairi...he should be holding her close ...Not you... "I'm so glad that I found you!" Sora said smiling. "Sora....I...." You began to cry for no reason. "It's okay...I'm here don't have to cry anymore." He whispered.  You felt strange. "S-Sora....Stop!" You said pushing him away. "What's wrong?" He asked looking at you. He looked different from how he did before he looked almost real....

"This isn't right....I messed up." You said looking at him. "Huh? But you were there when I needed you the most. You put my heart back together..." He said not understanding why you were acting weird. "That is correct...but I..." You whispered looking away from the sixteen year old. "___ it's aren't alone anymore." Sora said touching your cheek. Wiping away a tear.

"This is wrong..."

"Sora...I don't belong in your heart! So forget about me!" You yelled at him. He was surprised by what you said. "I can't do that..." He said. "Why not?!" You yelled. "Because there is just something about you. I get this really weird feeling when I think about you. I can't describe it...but I like it." He said holding your hand. "I'm a Nobody! I don't exist!" You yelled as you pulled your hand away. You were starting to fade..."That's not true!" "It isn't..." You said looking at him. "You have a heart...if you didn't you wouldn't have saved us..." He said. You didn't know what to say next. He hugged you tightly again. "Please...don't fade away... I looked everywhere for you. I didn't save Kairi so I can go back home without you..." He whispered. "'re too deep can't return..." You said as he moved away some of your hair. "....._____ my mind and heart was made up. I wasn't going to leave you here alone." Sora said. "Why? You might not ever go home. What was your reason behind this?" You asked confused. "I want my dream back...." He said looking serious about this. "O-okay..." You said. "Really?" He asked. "If I work quickly I can do it...." You said taking out the note book and a book light. You quickly drew him watching the sunset. You were about to draw Kairi but he stopped you. "No...not that dream...please " He said grabbing your hand. He looked deep into your eyes. You didn't know what this feeling was. Your face felt hot. His face was so close to yours. "I...I think....that...." He said hugging you before you disappeared. "I love you...." He whispered before hugging himself. " aren't're my dream...._-____." He cried.

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