Just Smile.

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(A/N: You and Sora are twelve in this story

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(A/N: You and Sora are twelve in this story.)

You just came home from the beach and you were getting hungry. "I think that I'll make some popcorn." You said putting some in the microwave. You smiled as you opened the bag. It smelled so good. You put it in a bowl and began to eat. Your mom came into the kitchen. "You have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon." She said frowning. "But I wanted to see Sora....he just got off his grounding and he can go to the island tomorrow." You said frowning. "There wasn't anymore openings dear." She said frowning. "Okay..." You said looking down.

Sora looked around for his friend ____. "I hope that she isn't getting sick." He said frowning. Days turned into weeks.  No one has seen her for a while now and everyone has been wondering if she just disappeared. But Sora on the other hand missed his best friend a whole lot. He always walked past her house wanting to knock on the door. Today was one of those days. He sighed looking at your bedroom window. The blinds and window were open. He wanted to shout out your name and ask if you wanted to go get ice cream. But he decided against it after all you might be taking a nap and he really didn't want to wake you. So he knocked on your door. "Hey is ____ home?" He asked your mom. "Yes she is. I'll go tell her that you are here." She said closing the door. "Honey Sora is here...." "Sora?" You asked. You didn't know what to do. You had a slight crush on him but you never told him. You looked yourself in the mirror and sighed. "I wonder what he'll think..." You said frowning. You were not happy when you had to get braces. Now you had to look and feel them. Not to mention that you couldn't eat popcorn anymore. "Tell him that I can't see him today. I'm not feeling good..." You said frowning. She shook her head and went downstairs to tell him. You could see him from looking out the window. He looked down as he walked away. "Not feeling well?" He asked. You rarely got sick and if you did he would come over with some soup. But you didn't want to see him. It didn't make any sense. You always enjoyed his company. Of course you also enjoyed Riku's and Kairi's company. "Was Kairi right?" Sora asked frowning.

"I hate to say it Sora but ____might have a boyfriend. Just look at the way she's acting." She said sitting on the tree. "You really think so?" Sora asked looking away. He had a small crush on her. But he didn't know what to say....and besides the two of you are still too confused for that stuff. "Well, maybe she knows more about love then I do..."He whispered looking forward. He didn't want to ask you about him because he was unsure. You might not even have a boyfriend. It could be something else that is wrong.
*End of flashback*

"I hope that I wasn't too late." He sighed as he walked home. Wondering what was wrong with you.

*The next day*
You sighed while looking out the window. It was like every kid was playing outside. You saw kids on bikes or eating ice cream. "That's it!" Mom said looking at you. "You are going outside ___! You can't stay inside your whole life." She said frowning. "Yes I can!" You said laying on your bed. "No you are going outside. I know that you feel bad about your braces. But you can't hide from the world. Go outside and enjoy summer break." She said putting clothes on your bed. "Okay..." You sighed getting ready.

You went to the island and immediately Sora ran up to you. "You're here! Come on let's sit together." He said smiling. You nodded trying your best not to show him your smile. You sat with them on the weird tree. You looked down wondering if you should tell them your secret. "____ what's wrong?" Sora asked looking at you. "Nothing..." You said frowning. "But your frowning." Kairi said looking at you. "It's nothing okay!" You said not looking at them. You didn't want them to stop being your friends.

You went to the secret place. In there you could hide your smile. "There you are. I was looking all over for you." Sora said looking at you. "Why?" You asked him. "Why not? I haven't seen you smile in weeks. Whatever I did to you I'm sorry...just please don't stop talking to me." He said frowning. "Sora it isn't you it's me." You whispered. "I don't care. We will always be friends! Nothing can ever change that!" Sora said looking away at first. "What?" You asked. He knew that you weren't happy with yourself? "You know?" You asked. "Yes..." He said looking down. "Is he sad?" You thought. You walked into the light to help your sad friend. "I understand...I'm not happy about it either." You said. He sighed and looked up at you. "You got braces?!" He asked shocked. "I thought that you knew!" You said frowning. "No...I thought that something else was wrong with you..." He said blushing. You didn't know why though. "It has been this the whole time...." You sighed. "Why are you so upset about though? It doesn't matter if you have braces or not. You are still you." "Sora just look at my smile!" You yelled. "It's....um....beautiful." He said blushing. "You're crazy! I look horrible with these on!" You said frowning. "You're beautiful either way. I love your heart....that all that matters to me. If you have your heart. I'm happy! So please smile for me. Because when you are happy I am!" He said. "I'll try...." You said. He looked at you for a long time before grabbing your hand and pulling you along. "Sora where are we going?" You asked. "Just close your eyes!" He said. You did so. He continued to pull you along. "Are we almost there?" You asked frowning. You could hear some weird noise. "Almost...watch your head..." He said. You ducked down trying not to hurt your head. "Sora would please tell me where we are going?!" You asked frowning. "It's a surprise! Okay....you can open them now!" He said. You did so. "It's beautiful here!" You said looking at the waterfall. The sunlight reflected off it making it like a huge prism. "Sora when did you find this place?" You asked. He didn't know...maybe it was one of the many days that you were gone. It was only recently because he knew that he was lonely at the moment. Riku and Kairi didn't know about this place. "I guess recently. Here would you like to get closer?" He said holding out his hand. You nodded smiling. "Ah! There we found what we were missing!" Sora said. "Huh?" You asked. "We found your missing smile!" He said helping you down. "I guess so!" You said smiling again.

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