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This is an official thing, & with all official things comes a punks most dreaded thing - rules. However, rules help make this function, so here are a few!

1. No OC's. I'm sorry, but I personally do not understand the point in joining an official Harry Potter roleplay if you don't want to be an official Harry Potter character. Plus, currently, there are just too many open spaces which need filling. If, in the future, we max out on official characters, I might change my mind & allow OC's to become a part of the roleplay. Until then, either choice a real character or join another roleplay which does not mind non-canon characters!

2. Make sure to stick to the lines. Remus' admin is a severe perfectionist & has issues. Do not make the poor kid suffer (please).

3. Make an account for your character, or, if for whatever reason you are unable to, edit an existing one to fit your character. Don't just join for the brownie points & never actually interact. We want new friends, not deadweights (damn, blunt much?).

4. If you're becoming a character that has multiple different ships, consider the ships of the people on the other end. No point in becoming Sirius if you ship Blackinnon & the Marlene ships Morcas. & for the love of Hagrid, don't force your ships on others! This is legit written all over the account, just don't do it. It's not cool, peeps.

5. If you read this far, the application password is "Honeydukes"!


Please answer all the questions & leave your application on the marked line! Nearly there, guys! Don't be afraid to answer truthfully, better that than to lie & have it bite you in the backside later on.

- Character Name?
- Admin Account?
- Roleplay Account?
- Ships for that character?
- NoTPs for that character?
- Any personal triggers?
- Password?

COMMENT HERE .................


If you could be so kind, tag people who you think would be interested here! Not necessary, but always nice to make friends (& to have someone you know already here, especially if you're a first time role player).

TAG HERE ...........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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