The King

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You wake up to your head pounding You move your hands to touch your head but they don't move. You open your eyes and see your in like a dungeon tied to a chair. You struggle to get your wrists out of the ropes. You stop after your wrists start to burn you sigh and lean your head back wondering what happening at the motel.

*Deans POV*

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when Cas appears in front of me.

''Dammit Cas!''

I move to the fridge and grab a burger that's in there and sit at the table and open the book to try to figure out what we're dealing with.


''Not know Cas.''



''(Y/n)'s been taken!''

I look over to Sam and see him looking at Cas. I turn back to Cas and stand in front of him.

''Can't you see where she is?''

''No, who ever took her used angel warding so I can't find her.''

''Well what are we going to do?''

''We might be able to track her phone.''

''That's it! Sam your a genius!''

I walk over to Sam and watch him login into the tracker. He clicks the 'find me' button We look and see it says its in the motel room.


''Yes Dean?''

''Do you have (Y/n) phone?''


We look at him and he takes her phone out .I grab the phone and walk over to the table and set the phone down.

''So what do we do know?''

I look over at Sam 

''I have no clue.''

I walk over to the fridge and grab a beer. I sit at the table think about what to do.

*Normal POV*

You've been sitting there for what feels like hours.You've tried getting out of the ropes again but only manage to cut your wrists in the process.You feel the blood run down your hands and sigh.You turn your head behind you the best you can to see the door open. You see a man wearing a apron come in and (Y/b/n) walk in behind him. You glare and turn back to the front.

''Trying to get out I see tell me how do your wrists feel?''

''Bite me.''

''Buy me a drink first darling.''

''Who the hell are you?''

''Crowley king of hell.''

''What do I own the pleasure of seeing you in person?''

He smirks and turns to the table,you and turn to (Y/b/n) and glare at him,he smirks at you and walk till he's in front of you.He grabs your face and leans close.

''So the king of  hell huh?''

''Ya pretty good if I say so myself.''

''So you knew I would be here and you being at the bar was a trap, and i'm also guessing you knew I would follow you so you lead me into the alley.''

''Well arn't we a little Sherlock Holmes.''

''How long have you been a demon?'' 

''Ever since poor father died, and do you want to know the best part?.''


''I'm the one who did it. It was so much fun! Hearing him plead to spare his life and not hurt you.''

You try to grab him but your hands are tied you glare at him while he walks away laughing.You turn your head to look at your lap. Your forced to look up when Crowley  grabs your face and lifts it to face him. You look in his other hand to see a knife.

''Now were going to play a little game its called 'Tell me about the Winchesters' and every time you don't answer i'll stab you cut you what ever.''

You glare and he smirks.

''So where are the Winchesters?''

''Like I would tell you.''

He stabs your shoulder and you hold in your scream you feel the knife twist in your shoulder and let out the scream you were holding back.You look over to (Y/b/n) and see him smiling.

''Are you going to tell me?''

You look him in the eye.


''Well I guess we'll be doing this the hard way then. More fun for me.''

He continues this for awhile burning,cutting,stabbing whenever you wouldn't answer. This goes on till your bloody from top to bottom. You sit there breathing heavily and your is head down. You hear him sigh and put the knife on the table and walk away. You lift your head to see (Y/b/n) follow Crowley out of the room and lean your head on the back of the chair. You keep trying to get your wrists out again but there on to tight you sigh and lean on the chair. You be as quiet as you can and try to pick up the last of there conversation.

''Can you do that?''

''Yes don't worry she'll be to happy to mind out i'm alright.''

''Good, now go get her but make her believe its really her son.''

Your eyes go wide and you whisper



Sorry for the slow update!

~Jay <3

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