The many types of love

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The first type of love
Is the one we share
throughout family,
within our blood.
The love we don’t talk about,
However we know is always there.

The next type is the one shared,
the twin hearts and twin souls.
Where their love can beat all
even the hardest of falls,
as they are just meant to be.

The love in fairy tales is tainted and twisted.
This love is shown to the young,
to create a bubble of innocence.
Its there to show that true loves first kiss is magical,
but the truth is that it just doesn't exists.

The falling in and out of love,
can be the hardest off all
Losing the love you once had
and the one you truly cared for.
This love is the Brocken and non repairable
the truth about love is totally unbearable!

The final love is the one of the damned,
the love that can only be seen by one.
It comes from deep down inside the heart,
but stays there alone breaking apart.
This type of love is the most dangerous of all,
as the lust for love can change ones soul.

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