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The Mandalorian returns after a few minutes. He's cleaned the blood off of his armor. It's made of a strange type of metal that I've never seen before. Then again, everything about this man is strange to me.

"Where are we going?" I'm scared to ask, but the silence is deafening.

The Mandalorian is silent for a long moment and he stares at me. I wonder what's hidden behind that helmet. Sure, he looks human, but you can never be positive.

"Nevarro." He says at last, settling down in the pilot's seat. He faces straight ahead without giving me another glance.

I feel stupid and useless. This is so much different than being a scavenger or house slave. This isn't Jakku. And as much as I hated it there, Jakku was my home. Sadness tugs at my heart, though I have no reason to be sad.

"Is there anything I can do for you sir?" I feel annoying asking another question. This Mandalorian acts like each word costs him. Maybe it does. He's so much different compared to Master Gard who spoke easily with everyone he met, even us lowly slaves.

"I have to show you around." Not a question, just a statement. No emotion, no reluctance or annoyance.

He stands up and I hastily follow him. The ship is small, just big enough for a small crew although it seems the Mandalorian works alone. Until now. There's a small bedroom, his, that I am to never go into. There's the lower quarters where he keeps his bounty, frozen in liquid carbonite.

"I'll get you a cot or something to sleep on once we get to Nevarro."

"You don't have to." My cheeks flush. The last thing I want to do is seem like a burden to a Master who never wanted me to begin with.

"I will." Is all he replies. "You'll be fine here as long as you stay out of my way. And there's one rule: never, under any circumstances, remove my helmet."

A strange rule, but I'll accept it. "Yes sir!"

"Those powers you have... you don't know how to control them, do you?"

"No, sir. I don't even know what my powers are, why or how I have them. All I know is that I know too much and I've always been lucky. And I've always felt this pull deep within my chest. Except now it feels stronger than ever and it's spreading."

My Master is silent. "We're about to reach Nevarro. Stay in the ship and don't get into trouble."

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