I'm not ready yet

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  Omitting his detour, Katsuki got back to the office to promptly fill out his reports. If there was any chance of him finding out why All Might was there, he needed to remain close to the case.
Now he faced a visibly uncomfortable Eijiro, wishing he had just slept in til checkout. "Why are you back so late?"
Eijiro's nerves were replaced with anger. "Why do you care?"
"..I don't."
Eijiro's anger wavered, hurt.
"Are you going to let me in, or what? I still live here, don't I?" Katsuki was actually measuring his tone, he was uncomfortable too and didn't want to seem open to discussion. I should've just gotten another hotel.
Eijiro picked up on this and quietly led the way to the apartment that so quickly felt foreign to them both.
It's actually packed. Katsuki sighed, "I was on a case out of town, didn't know how long it would be.."
  Eijiro grabbed a set of sheets from a packed box and tossed them to Katsuki. His bed came with the apartment and was left bare after his packing. "Congrats on the case."
  Katsuki mhm'ed a response while he looked for a glass to get some water. Eijiro disappeared into the bathroom.

Literally everything's packed.. did he find a place already?
Eijiro stepped out, towel hung low on his hips. "Are you showering? Do you need a towel?" He asked evenly.
Katsuki barely heard him as he focused on a bead of water, which trailed down from chiseled chest to abs to.. somewhere behind a mocking towel.
"Did you find a place?"
"..Working on it. Bedtime for now." Eijiro half waved as he crossed into his room. Before Katsuki could do more than blink, Eijiro returned with a glass he had kept by his bedside. He set it on the counter then returned to his room, closing the door behind him.
He.. closed his door..
Eijiro sighed out his nerves while aggressively fluffing his pillow. He could have stayed with Shoto but waking up there seemed a bit too much. They had parted on good terms and it was his gut that had told him to come 'home'.
Katsuki replayed Eijiro's honest expressions since noticing him at the entrance. He approached his door slowly, aiming to knock but he heard footsteps approach first.
His quickening heartbeat stalled when they stopped just on the other side. He knew if he opened it, he'd be face to face with an equally hesitant Eijiro.
Katsuki laid his palm on the door as a buffer for his forehead. Bowed, he admitted, "I'm not ready yet. I'm sorry." He said in a low voice, not sure whether he wanted Eijiro to hear him or not.
Eijiro stared at the shadow under his door before slowly backing up to his bed. He plopped in and gave in to his exhaustion.
Katsuki let out a breath before grabbing the sheet and heading to the couch. He didn't want to miss Eijiro in the morning.


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