Aella Sakari Adakai

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Name: Aella Sakari Adakai

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Name: Aella Sakari Adakai

Nicknames: Ari, Ada, Kai, Ella, Elle, Ellie, Kari.

Guardian/Warrior Name: Dyani

Age: 18 (As of Twilight)

Born: March 4, 1987

Species: Guardian-Alpha Shifter Hybrid (Currently) • Guardian-Alpha Shifter-Vampire Tribrid (Eventually)

Magical Status: The Guardian/The Warrior

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Hair Color: Black

Normal Eye Color: Bluish Grey

Supernatural Eyes: Fiery Gold(Guardian) and Red(Alpha)

Titles: The Alpha, The True Heir, The Shifter Queen, The Tribrid, The Powerful One, The Guardian, The Healer, The Almighty, The Prophesied One.

Aliases: Aella Uley-Black, Aella Lahote, Aella Uley, Aella Black, Sakari Adakai.

Marital Status: Engaged

Mate(s): Paul Lahote

Power Level: 92 out of 100

Soul Brothers: Jared Cameron, Seth Clearwater, Dakota Ateara.

Soul Sister: Emily Young, Angela Webber, Rachel Black.

Family: Paul Lahote, Unborn Child, Billy Black, Alison Uley, Sarah Black, Joshua Uley, Samuel Uley, Rebecca Black, Rachel Black, Jacob Black, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, William Black Sr, Ephraim Black, Levi Uley, Other Relatives, Taha Aki(See Info)

Friends: Jared Cameron, Leah Clearwater, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, Angela Webber, Dakota Ateara, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Other Unnamed Friends.

Enemies: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Bella Swan, Jessica Stanley, Mike Newton.

Powers/Abilities: Guardian-Shifter Physiology, Guardian-Vampire Physiology, Guardian Command, Guardian Magic, Warrior Magic, Sorcery, Limited Psionics, Psionic Weapons, Supernatural Eyes, Alpha Status, Immortality, Power Replication, Vampire Gift Replication, Alpha Command, Spell Creation, Potion Creation, Biokinesis, Alpha Roar, Claws, Telekinesis, Fangs, Intuitive Aptitude, Pain Absorption, Pain Infliction, Shapeshifting, Supernatural Scanning, Tracking, Elemental Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Earth Link, Mind Link, Premonitions, Enhanced Intuition, Astral Projection, Telepathy, Illusion Casting, Foresight, Mental Manipulation, Mental Shield, Power Deflection, Teleportation, Conjuration, Accelerated Healing, Transformation, Enhanced Superhuman Abilities, Enhanced Superhuman Senses, Enhanced Superhuman Reflexes, Limited Magical Resistance, Vision Sharing, Arcane Knowledge, Summoning, Limited Energy Manipulation, Phytokinesis, Magical Immobilization, Healing, Glamouring, Atmokinesis, Limited Power Stripping.

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