Title : Revolving Lies and Unforeseeable Truth (Broken Pieces)
Genre : Romance, Mystery, Teen Fiction, Humor
Author : shishkaybobREVIEW
Title :
I am actually not to sure how I feel about the title. The book is ongoing so I should revisit this in six months.
Cover :
I'm really not sure about this, as well. I will revisit this is six months.
Summary (Blurb) :
Can't really comment about this yet either. Will Revisit in six months.
What I liked about this book :
So far, it's pretty intriguing. I really want to know what's going to happen. The character development and cementing of the relationships are pretty good, too.
I like how it feels kind of detective-ish, a ways in.
What I DIDN'T like :
I really don't like how it started. There was no build up. Just, nonchalant then bam! Instant problem in the first few paragraphs. Now, if it were apart of the prologue as maybe a diary entry that would have been A-okay.
Because it is it's own chapter, build up would have been really nice to read or even something to foreshadow the events something like symbolism. But, I think there will be plenty of build up to the boy in the next chapters.
There's always going to be something here and there with grammar. All it takes is a little bit of re-reading or a few pairs of eyes.
Overall :
I will definitely be continuing this. I really would like to know what is going to happen. Who is the antagonist and what not. I just really do feel like there should have been a build up in the beginning though but that's just my opinion.Ratings :
Grammar : 4/5
Vocabulary : 4/5
Character Development : 4.5/5
Plot : 4/5
Descriptions : 4/5
- Placement/Use : 5/5
FatedAtraxia's Book Reviews
Non-FictionI have a lot of time on my hands and I love to read. So, here's I am going to review what others would like for me to read!