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Charlie sat and stared at the door. Niffty flew across the room, cleaning every corner of the place.
"Well isn't she something?" Vaggie said fromout of nowere. "And what was up with Alastor? I could hear him crying!" Charlie froze up, what could she tell Vaggie? Alastor was trusting her with his words!
"Well... Uh," Vaggie stared at her. Suddenly she heard footsteps. Great, Angel Dust!
"Heeeey!What's all the yelling about?"
"Nobody was-"
"Angel? What are you doing?" Great, now Husk is here! Niffty then dropped down from the roof. She sat right up and yelped, "oooh! Charlie, is this a story of Alastor? Tell meeeeee!" Angel Dust and Husk shot their glances over to Charlie. Angel Dust darted over to the front desk and said, "You know I'm not always into these things but Alastor? You gotta tell me and... Everyone else!" Charlie gulped. Whatcould she do now?
"Well, it's just... Ah fine, I'll tell you." She began to explain the dream Alastor had and how his powers were taken away. Angel Dust jsut laughed, "Alastor? Scared by a dream? I never would've guessed!" Husk also began to laugh.
"Guys! This is serious! He's in danger!" Suddenly Alastor's footsteps were heard. "Everyone! Don't speak a word about this and go back to what you were doing!" As Alastor approched her, she began to whipe down the desk.
"My dear, I heard a lot of laughter down here. What was that about?" Charlie stared up at him and froze. She then found a perfect lie, "Niffty fell off the roof and made them laugh?" Alastor blinked.
"Well I'm not sure how that could make anyone laugh but okay," Charlie watched him leave thr area, now she couldn't possibly tell him the truth! If I do any day now, I hope that Al understands...

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