Chapter 3

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*3rd POV*

After Germany yelled for everyone to be quiet, England let go of France's collar, then coughed into his hand, "Yes Germany?"

Germany ran a hand over his face, "I have just gained some information from (C/N)."

"What kind of information?" France asked.

"Information on who vas to raise zhem." Germany replied.

"Oh really? Who is it?" China questioned.

"England." Germany stated.


"Y-yeah. I remember being told that I was part of the England Isles... Is that bad?" You stuttered, thinking that you did something wrong because of France's reaction.

England walked over to you and picked you up, "Of course not love, just ignore him."

"Alright, now zhat ve figured zhat out, let us continue zhe meeting." Germany said.

Everyone agreed, then went back to their assigned seats. England had set you back into his lap and started to listen into the meeting. You tried to follow as best as you could but then people started yelling about which idea was best and you got lost.


It was the end of the meeting for the day and you were currently in England's arms as he was walking out of the meeting hall. After the lunch break you had fallen asleep. England smiled down at your sleeping form after you had snuggled into him. He then set you down in the backseat and buckled you in.

England then walked into the front seat and started up the care, then drove back to your guys' home.

~A couple hours later(still 3rd POV)~

You shifted in your bed before slowly opening your eyes and sitting up. You looked around a little surprised that you were in your room,

'I must've fallen asleep in the meeting...'

You then shuffled your way out of your bed and then realized that England-no wait- your big brother England changed you into your pajamas. You then started to walk down the stairs and suddenly you smelt something burning coming from the kitchen. You picked up your pace and peeked into the kitchen and saw your big brother holding a baking sheet and on it looked like a pieces of charcoal.

"England, what are you cooking?" You asked.

Apparently England didn't hear you because he almost dropped the baking sheet, "Bloody he-" he then recollected himself once he realized it was you, "Hello Love, it seems as if you woke up from your little nap. I'm cooking some scones for afternoon tea, would like to try one?"

You weren't to sure if you wanted to try it, cause it didn't look edible, but if he saying it like it's edible that means that it's okay right? Right..?

"Okay." You replied.

He set down the scones on a cooling rack before setting the baking sheet back into the oven. England then proceeded to pick you up and set you on a chair before getting a napkin and putting a scone on it, then putting it in front of you, before grabbing a couple for himself.

"Be careful Love, they just came out of the oven." England warned.

You nodded before blowing on the scone and took a bite.


It was actually really, really, good! It melted in your mouth(in a good way) and was super duper delicious! Alright, luckily it was one of those cases where it tastes better than it looks.

"So? Do it?" England asked, sounding very hesitant.

You smiled at him, "Yeah! It's really yummy!"

He smiled back at you, "Would like some more?"

You nodded, "Yes please!"

England grabbed another plate from the cupboard then put some scones on the plate before giving it to you.

"Thank you big brother!" You said happily.

After those two words left your mouth, England froze.

You looked at him in worry, "Big brother England? Are you okay?"

England snapped out of his shock, before returning his gaze at you, softening before replying, "Nothing's wrong. It's just that I haven't been called big brother in a long time, and it's nice to hear someone call me that again."

You smiled, "Well then I'll you that more often then!"

He chuckled at your response, "Okay Love."

~Time Skip~

It was time for bed and England was now tucking you into your bed, your eyes threatening to close at any second. You looked at him and gave him a sleepy smile, "G'night big brother. I love you..."

You started to drift off when England replied, "Good night, love you too."

You then fell asleep and England looked at you with a soft gaze before brushing some hair out of your face before pecking your forehead.

'If there is a God out there, thank you for letting me be (C/n)'s sibling. They are now the light of my life, and I'll treasure them no matter what.'

After that he quietly mad his way out of your room and into his so that he can get ready to sleep.

'Oh and thank you that they have good taste in food.'


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