Chapter 2

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One Word, A Thousand Meanings. <3
#kulecron fanfic

Chapter 2 - Garricks POV


"Uggghh." I slam my alarm clock, hitting the snooze button. I dont wanna wake uuuupp!

I head downstairs with only my pants and socks on to go make some breakfast. I set some peices of bacon on a pan and let it sizzle for a bit. I grab some waffles from the freezer and head twards the toaster. I attempt putting the waffles in but its blocked by something...WHAT THE HELL IS...THIS?? I hold up what looks to be a moldy peice of toast. YUCK!!

"Who in the hell?" I say to myself. Then I got an idea. I'll go into Robins room and throw this at him! Perfect..."

I head twards Robins room with the disgusting "toast" in my hand, ready to throw. I open the door and say, "Hey Rooooobiiiin." He turns over and rubs his eyes, "What?"


I throw the "toast" at Robin and run out of his room. "Hahahahahaa!" I scream as I ran up the stairs to go hide in my room. I had then realized that I wasnt wearing a shirt the entire time. Oh no. What if he thinks that I only wanted him to see me shirtless?? I mean, I kinda do but still...

Robins POV

I hear someone out in the kitchen clattering around. I could really go for some breakfast right now. I try to get up but my bed is too damn comfy to leave. I fall back asleep.

I hear a voice say, "Hey Rooooobiiiin." I turn over and rub my eyes, just barely seeing Garrick. Oh my god hes shirtless!! I can feel myself begin to blush but as soon as I started to blush


Modly old "toast" thrown at me! YUCK!!! What the hell?? Garrick runs out with an evil laugh. I hear him run up the stairs and right as I get up his door slams. Hes lucky that he escaped in time. I would have tactled him so hard that he would beg for mercy. I go to wash my face and get dressed. I saw myself in the mirror blushing. And the only thing I could think to myself was, He has some damn moist nips (I REGRET NOTHING).

Time skip~~

I get invited to a Skype call with Garrick and Jeff and, of course, I accept. 

"Hey there big boy, you want some fuk?" 

"What in the hell, Garrick?!" I chuckle.

We laugh for a good 5 minutes and just talk for a bit. I wish he really meant that. (no regrets ;^;)

Time skip~~

It had gotten pretty quiet in the call. Jeff wasnt talking much, actually not at all. It was only me and Garrick talking and making jokes. I could tell that Jeff was bored in the call. There was about 3 minutes of silence...then I herd a guitar playing. I knew it was jeff because the only thing that Garrick can play is the bongos, which hes fairly good at. We could see eachothers faces in the call and I saw Garrick swaying side to side with the music. He looks so peaceful. Hes so calm. Hes like an angel. (<3)

Short time skip~~

Jeff had left the call earlier to go eat but he still isnt back. It was getting very late and Garrick and I were pretty tired.

Garrick yawns, "I think im gonna head off to sleep."

"Same here" Jeff replies, "Good night." (spooky scary skeletons...)

"Night Jeff" we both reply.

Jeff leaves the call and its only me and Garrick left. "Well goodnight, Garrick" I say in a sortof silly voice.

"G'night, hunnybuns." Garrick says in his girly voice. Right as im about to end the call, Garrick says, "Arent 'chu gonna come give momma some smoochies?!" I would love to but I had to say no. I cant let him know how I feel about him. "Uhh, no thanks, mom!"

"Allright well you's gonna have a nightmare then" he says with sass. 

"Night, Garrick."

"Night, Robin. I love 'chu" Garricks says, ending the call.

  ~~Did he really mean that? Or was he just joking around?

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