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Look at this wonderful table someone drew out, teaching you all the ways to better yourself!

Look at this wonderful table someone drew out, teaching you all the ways to better yourself!

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You guys are amazing, beautiful, kind, loving! Look after yourself as well as others, you deserve it! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, or else you'll have to show them exactly who they're talking to!

Keep loving, keep helping, but don't forget to love & help yourself in the process! Think of yourself as someone else, & help them, don't hurt them with cruel thoughts & body shaming & knife marks.

You're beautiful. Your body is yours, & that's the wonderful thing about it - it belongs to YOU, & no one else. It's your body, your rules... remember that.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even the best of us - yes, even you! & believe me when I say, mistakes are wonderful! They help you grow & learn, to do better next time around. Your mistakes may even help someone else to achieve success! So, keep on trying, & if you make a mistake - don't worry about it! Just take a few minutes to breath, figure out where you went wrong, & try again later!

I love you! Your friend loves you! That puppy loves you! Everyone loves you, because you are AMAZING! & anyone who doesn't love you can, politely, go squirt vinegar in their eyes. So deep breaths, in... out... in... out... Forget all your stress, okay? Eat a cupcake, read a book, go to a cafe with your friends. Don't forget to live. We're all here for you, ready to catch u u & hold you steady if you trip. Never stop loving yourself.


swear_wolf here, i know i've put this on all of the hubs, but i feel like it's important everyone gets the message, no matter your house. i just wanted to say, my PM's are always open if you need to talk. i may not have the best empathy skills, or always respond right on time, but i feel like the paragraph i've written above just isn't enough. so, if you ever want to just rant to someone, or need a distraction... message me, on this acc or my main, bxgelsama , i'm always up to listen. you're not alone: i've felt this way (still do), my friends have felt this way - millions of people on this planet have felt the same way you do. you're not alone, you're not messed up, you're just you, & that's all that matters. love you guys, & remember i'm always up for a chat xx bagel

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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