The Hot Boy

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It was the second day and I made my way to maths, I kept seeing "the weird boy" everywhere. He was in the class across from me. Anyway I shut the door and made my way to my seat at an empty desk right at the back of the class, it was almost as if my teachers wanted my social life to fail, since this happened every class, the seating plan was always the same. I was always alone. Then the door opened and a tall, skinny but muscular guy walked in. The teacher stood up
"Oli! I realise you were on holiday? You are sat...." The rest was a blur I got lost in his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. And then the craziest thing happened. He came and sat next to me! And this would be the same in every class!
"Hey blondie!" He said in the cutest accent ever "whats your name"
"A-Amanda...and I believe this colour is called strawberry blonde" I stuttered my cheeks heating up.
"Well Strawberry Blondie" he laughed "Im Oli!" He grinned.
My heart was pounding. He was perfect. And I couldn't help but stare.

I am actually British and this is supposedly set in America (though this can work in other countries such as my own but its kinda the most obvious, look just set it where you want) so please excuse any spelling mistakes its just my Britishness and 85% of the time it will be spelt correctly where Im from the other 15% those are 5% made up words and 10% me being bad at spelling

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