Clubbing 👩🏾‍🦯

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I wasn't scared, I was mad! Actually I was beyond mad, I was pissed!!

Why didn't he do anything when he saw me? I expected to get kidnapped like they do the girls in the Wattpad stories and be turned into his sex slave or something, which i wouldn't mind at all, but NOOO. He really just looked at me and left, like he just knew I wasn't gonna say nothing.

Who does he think he is. I mean i'm not going to say anything obviously because i'm not no snitch. I mean what drug dealer have you seen telling on someone else's hustle? A hating one that don't get no sales, that's who.

That ain't me. I was kind of happy and frustrated at the same time, but I decided to count my blessings and move on. It would be hard to, I mean how would you feel if you seen the man of your dreams and y'all don't even say a word to each other. I'll probably never see him again.

Then again i'm not really complaining though. He's dangerous obviously and I ain't tryna get in the mix of some mess that i can't clean up.

Deciding to brush off what I saw, I started driving home praying that I wouldn't be traumatized by this incident.

Then reality hit me. I haven't even asked my mom if i could go out tonight.

Pulling up to my house I park my car on the side of the road, just incase. I go inside and set my things down in my room. "NIKO!" my mom yelled "get your ass down here now." Ahh shit, what did I do this time. I head down stairs to find my mom sitting on the couch watching The Bachelor eating a tub of ice cream. Damn who broke her heart.. oh yea my Father. Damned Dick. I must've not seen my mom sitting here on the couch when I attempted to sneak in without being seen.

"Yes ma'am" I said as I reached the couch and plopped down beside her. "Where have you been dear?" she asked. "I just went to grab an outfit from the store.". She narrowed her eyes and looked at me. "Outfit? What do you need an outfit for?". "Well you remember Sativa, right?, Well she invited me to a party with her." lie "She said there will be no alcohol or boys there, it's strictly an all girls party, kind of like a sleepover type." another lie.

"Well normally I would let you go," she said "but you know that tonight I work the night shift at the hospital and I need you to watch your brother.". "Mommm, he's 13! I think he's old enough to not answer the door for anyone and make cereal and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches" I say pouting "Besides all he ever does is play fortnite and gta on his game." "Niko, it doesn't matter, you heard about these killings that have been happening around the city and just today there was another one very close by." she said as she pulled out her phone and looked at the time. "I have to get ready for work baby, my answer is no. Go and do your chores." I whined but soon stopped.

'Wait a minute, this is good news now I don't have to go' I thought to my self, celebrating in my head. I went to clean my room and facetimed Sativa. "Hey bitch" she answered " You ready for tonight or what?" she said exited. "Actually good news," I say smiling from ear to ear "I can't go, my mom says i have to baby sit my brother. I can't lie I was disappointed at first because I already bought the outfit, but then i realized that I was hella antisocial and this was a perfect opportunity to escape your evil plan.". "BITCH! Your brother is grown as fuck, the fuck you need to watch him for" she said in an angrily manner " you know what don't even answer that. I don't care, you coming weather you like it or not." "Tiva, I can't, you know my brother a snitch." "Well you better fucking bribe him because i'll be there by 7:30 to pick you up." with that being said she hung up the phone.

I knew there was no getting out of this so i finished up my chores and went to my brothers room to have a chat.

I knew there was no getting out of this so i finished up my chores and went to my brothers room to have a chat

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Niko's brother, Jeremiah, 13.

"Hey buddy" I say as i enter his room. "What the hell do you want?" he says not taking his eyes off his game. Well damn, a bitch can't say hi to her little brother? Okay.

"Boy be quiet talking like that because you know damn well you wouldn't be talking like that if mom was in here" I say snapping back making him go mute. "Niko, if you're trying to bribe me or ask for a favor you're beginning to fail miserably." he says finally putting his game down and looking at me. "Okay i'm sorry, I need a huge favor." "I'm listening." he says.

"Well tonight I got invited to a sleepover and mom doesn't want me to go because she wants me to babysit you, so could you maybe watch yourself tonight?" I ask with my best puppy dog eyes. "What's in it for me" he says with a confused look on his face. "Freedom to do what you want" I say shrugging. "Not good enough" he says and picks back up his game remote and turns to the tv to press start again. "Wait!" I say before he could continue back to what he was doing before. "Yessss?" he asked and looked at me with an evil grin. "I'll give you 20 dollars and order two boxes of pizza, also you can bring a friend over." I say mumbling the last part.

"Deal" he said as he shook my hand. "Not so fast" I said. "Y'all can't open the door for anyone besides me." "How will we know it's you" he says curiously. "I will have a special knock.". I taught him the knock and he nodded his head in full understanding.


My mom left for work 30 minutes ago. The door bell rang. I opened the door and seen it was the pizza man. He was very handsome and tall. Me being be roughly 5'7-5'8 I simped for Taller men. The man cleared his throat snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, my apologies sir." I said handing him the money and he smiled at me. "Like what you see?" he said. Blushing I simply nodded my head. He chuckled and gave me back the pizza and a receipt with his number on it. I put the pizza down and rushed upstairs to get dressed when i realized it was 7 O'Clock.

Niko's dress

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Niko's dress

As time flew by Tiva came to scoop me. I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs telling my brother and his friend to lock the door and not break shit or else ima break they ass. What can i say sometimes you just have to threaten kids to get them to act right. I got in the car and looked over at her. "You look good sisss." I said smiling. "Thank you you look hot too. Also if a cute guy starts dancing with you just dance back, because wearing that I know it's going to happen." she said with a grin.

Sativa's outfit

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Sativa's outfit

We pulled up to the club, got out of the car and headed to the door. I stopped behind the long line of people, but Tiva pulled me along to the very front with her. "What are you doing?!" I whispered to her. "Girl, i got V.I.P calm ya tits" she rolled her eyes and showed the guard her card and he nodded his head and let us inside.

When we got inside Bestfriend- by Tokyo was playing. Sativa and I automatically got lit, no alcohol included. I felt a lot of eyes on us, but I didn't care. I looked up for a split second and seen a pair of dark eyes looking down at me, just like the ones i seen in the alley.
HEY PEOPLE 🥴 it's ya girl skinny penis bac atcha- sike nah but i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. please keep in mind that i barely started writing this 7/24/20 so don't think I just gave up, Its because i'm still writing but here's the update !!!

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