Another one *sighs*

66 4 10

Thanks for the tag @hideinzshadows

1 Nope no one. Do books count or.......?

2 I have to like someone inorder for them to like me back so no

3 don't have one

4 Single and happy that way.

5 Rediet, deborah, cutebull,hiwi and kb

6 None but when I was a kid I used to but then we sort of fall apart

7 none

8 Hanan(My cousin)

9 Fight for me by Riley Clemmons

10 72%

11 Homescreen


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12 Well, my best friends were talking about it one time,and I got curious as to what it was

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12 Well, my best friends were talking about it one time,and I got curious as to what it was. They told me it is an app that have books. I wasn't that much curious at first to be honest but when I started reading. I was hooked. I prayed to the Lord that the time would pass fast so that I could go back home after school to read more. Now that I think about it. I am so grateful they told me about it.😁

13 Already answered this but it is Jan 12. I am a proud Capricorn♑

14 Wohaa Sry but i will try

Don't bother replying I had to tag u guys

They are...

@ Lucid_nan

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