What if we were never judged?

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Judgement has been around for thousands of years, judgement caused the greatest movements in history, but it also caused alot of tragedy and bloodshed. So what would happen if judgement never existed? Would something happen? Would some moments in history never happen in the first place? We would find out if we see what judgement REALLY is, listen: take when i was younger, i was a simi-normal little girl who liked whatever, but i was constantly judged and bullied for who i was and the way i acted, i was called "weird" "stupid" "dumb" etc. And that lasted until 6th grade started, and it still happens from time to time. But im not the only one that got judged and bullied. In the 17th and 18th century African Americans were forced out of their homes and shipped over to America to be slaves, wanna know why? Because of their skin color and race, they were judged for something out of their control, they didnt ask to be black, they didnt ask to be taken from their homes and shipped to America to be slaves, they didnt ask to be segregated, they didnt ask for any of this. Thousands of people are judged and told they are not good enough because something that is out of their control, that girl didnt ask to be born with a birth mark that covers her whole cheek, that boy didnt ask to have freckles, nobody asked for their "imperfections" but they got them anyways. People are told that you have to act and look a certain way to be actually accepted, you have to fit a stereotype or you are a "outcast" to society. People in my life have told me to act more "lady like" since i was a girl, i can gladly do that but not if it makes me uncomfortable and not right with myself, i was born the way i was and you cant change it with a mold of a way you WANT me to be, its like saying you are building something that is yours and you accedently make a mistake, mistakes happen from time to time because nobody is perfect but thousands notice and make fun of you for a simple mistake. People are told multiple times that they are worthless unless they are "perfect". Some people are told that they should die because of these things that are out of their control, so why should we judge others for these things? The only reason people should be judged is if they committed a crime and justice needs to be brought out. In conclusion, i think judgment is good in SOME ways but if it goes as far as telling others to litteraly DIE? Im not interested in the slightest, i only want to judge those who have commit crimes. Thank you for your time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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