Chapter 8: *insert good title*

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(Human) Jon's POV:

It's the next day and that STUPID PINK AND WHITE FOX THREW CHOCOLATE ON US! I hate it here already. Bryan's Animatronics and I have been trying to avoid all the other animatronics but it is hard. Molten seemed to take a liking to this new place and he left our group. We were staying by...My? Ferris Wheel when I start hearing laughing. I turn around and see that pink and white fox and that little animatronic which I guess represents Baby. Circus Nova was it? I think so and the fox's name is Jane...but I'm pretty sure that's Mangle. Anyway, they were playing tag. I guess they are really children. Reminds me of Bryan and I when we were younger- was this Molten Bryan always here in my world or did they just switch? I have to think about this...

(Human/Swap)Lefty's POV:

Fred told me we had some...visitors at the theme park so I decided to go the next day. I heard they were from a different dimension and hurt M.B mentally. I parked my car and went inside and noticed something. Why is there a...spaghetti bear??? Weird...probably one of those "visitors." I decided to go talk to them.

"Hey there. I'm guessing you're one of the "visitors"?" I ask, catching him off guard.

"Huh?! Oh...hello there. Guessing you're Lefty?" He ask me. He already knew my name? Weird...

Molten's POV:

Well, I just encountered a humanized version of my best friend. Not that cheerful though, I mean, he is switched with Jon so yeah.

" Yeah, I'm Lefty. How'd you know my name spaghetti bear?" He said while chuckling a bit.

"One, I have a name and its Molten," I growl at him which makes him stop chuckling. "And two, we have a Lefty in our Universe so I kinda recognize you...except you're human." I comment.

"Hm, interesting. So, where's the rest of these, uh, 'visitors'?" He asks me.

"Oh, probably by...uh, Jon's ferris wheel? I think that's where I saw 'em last. I wandered off to explore since it is kinda like our park but things are swapped. So see ya!" I say walking away. I do NOT want to talk to anyone at the moment.

Lefty's POV:

Jeez, anger issues? Oh well, time to see the other visitors. I start walking to Jon's ferris wheel when I see a group of animatronics. There's a few animatronics I recognize but they are...different. Is that Jon? He looks more...human? I decide to walk over to them.

"Hey ya there. Guessing you're the visitors Fred was talking about?" I say walking behind them. They seemed startled when they heard me. I mean, I DID sneak behind them.

"Yeah, what about us?" The human Jon ask in a stern tone. Jeez, it's just a question.

"Don't recognize ya, that's all. Name's Lefty! Nice to meet ya...umm, Jon!" I say while holding my hand for a hand shake. He hesitated to shake my hand but he did. That's when I saw...Rs.Freddy?! I thought he died! Uhm...probably one of this Jon's people.

"Whatcha doing with these brats?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn to see Rs. Bonnie. The visitors looked a bit surprised to see Rs.Bonnie. Eh, guess they haven't met him yet(No Lefty, their Rs.Bonnie- nevermind -_-)

"Interacting with em Bonnie. Why?" I say while crossing my arms. That's when he pulls me away. After the visitors were out of site we stopped. I asked him why he did that. He sighs.

"Well, they mostly have been lowering M.B's self esteem by a HUGE chunk when he was owning his own restaurant. They called him names...even mistake." Rs. Bonnie says sadly to me. I was shocked! Why would they do that to him?!I kept rambling things in my mind til I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts from Rs. Bonnie snapping in my face.

"Ya good there Lefty? You zoned out for a bit there!" He ask a bit worried.

"I'm good Bonnie. Just thinking...I did meet one of the visitors that wasn't in the group...Molten i think." I say questioning the mangled bear.

"They really haven't been with the group. The rest of them are scared to wander on their own, especially the frog and...other Helpy?" He said questioning the little bear. We do have a Helpy but, he's a male not female. We do have a female Helpy but we really don't see her often, probably doing some work.

"Hey guys!" A voice behind us said. Speak of the devil, there's Helpy walking over to us. We both say hi and we continue speaking to each other.

"What are you both talking about? Is it the visitors?" He ask while getting between us. Jeez that small bear can fit anywhere!

"Yeah, By the way! Jane has been pranking them a few times during the day so far!" Rs. Bonnie says while laughing. I roll my eyes, typical Jane. Helpy starts laughing. I hear a scream, we look over and see the visitor's Helpy covered in chocolate on the ground covered in chocolate, while Jane is looking at her laughing. I start to chuckle while Rs. Bonnie and Helpy start laughing like maniacs. Well, this is gonna be a interesting day huh?

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