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I was in art class, drawing away. Everyone else was talking amongst themselves, considering it was near time to go to lunch, but I was quietly sketching. I enjoyed sketching. Sometimes it was people, other times it was just objects.

I made sure to detail them, and make them pretty. I cherished every single one of my drawings. They all belonged to my heart. The bell rung, making everyone stand up, some run out of the classroom to get to the big cafeteria.

I went into the cafeteria, sitting at me, Ar, and Mika's table. I was rather relaxed, talking to them. I don't have much friends. They were the only 2. 

"Hey eren, when are you going to...y'know...come over?"

I sighed. my mom and my dad would be really proud if I told them I had a friend. Super proud

"How about you guys come over to mine today? after school, I could give you the address and every-"

A presence stopped me from continuing. I looked to the other side of the table to see...him.

His eyebrows were pushed together and he looked well built. He had pale skin that looked taken care of, a undercut, and sharp...piercing silver eyes. 

He stared at me unamused and then glanced down at my wrinkled shirt. I held onto the bottom of my shirt playing with the fabric while he stared at me judgementally. 

'Is it bad? I mean, he doesn't even know me, so why-'

"What happened to your uniform, brat?" His deep voice rang out.

My heart started beating fast. Like how it beats when i'm having an anxiety attack. My breath started getting rapid and I tried to swallow, Only for my throat to be completely dry.

"I-i was in a r-r-rush this morning."

The words barely came out in more than a hushed whisper, but I still stuttered.

My heart rate accelerated when I realized I was getting glares and stares from the whole cafeteria. Also looking at my outfit judgementally.

"Armin, Eren, let's go..."

Mika said slowly standing up. I also was about to leave as well, but the man at the table slammed his hands on it. Two guys came up and took mika and ar away. 

'n-no...i..i-i wanna g-go too...'

"You. What's your name?"

He stated blankly. I was trembling. No one barely even cared about me. At least in this school. Why does he want to talk to me all of a sudden? Why does he communicate with me? I just want to be left alone.


"Your...outfit should be straightened more. I would help you,"

I slowly stood up ready to bolt. This guy gave off bad vibes...

"But I think after what I'm going to do, it's getting more crumpled."

My legs shook and I was frozen in place. I saw the two guys from earlier start to slowly come to me, before kicking me down to the ground and beating me up. 

I started sobbing. They kicked, punched, slapped, spat. One kick in my ribs stopped me from breathing, while another punch in my nose made me feel blood slowly fall down it. 

I took a sharp glance at the guy, who was merely looking at as if I was dirt beneath his feet. Nothing. I was nothing to him. I could understand why. He was strong, I was weak. He looked rich, I'm a middle class. He was attractive, I look like a gold yet burnt chicken nugget.

"That's enough." He simply stated still looking at me like I was just another useless human being.

I was holding my stomach whilst he kneeled down to me, his piercing silver eyes now a darker silver. He stroked my bruised cheek lovingly before tightly grabbing it making my bruises worse.

"Eren~," He said with a sing song voice.

I looked at him with fear; and hatred. 

"Straighten your uniform next time, 'Kay?"

I nodded and he roughly threw my face down, walking away. 

I started sobbing quietly. I slowly stood up to wipe my tears, but a pain shot through my leg and I fell back down.

"Hey, you alright?"

A female voice from in front of me asked holding out her hand. Her face was stuffed with potatoes, and she looked like a sad and worried mom.

I wiped my tears and took her hand, being the same height as her and if not just a little taller.

Soon enough two more girls came by. 

"Well, i'm Sasha. This is ymir and this is annie."

They both bid me a hello while I responded with a frail 'hi'.

"Hey, do you need help getting to the nurses office?"

I shook my head no, and she smiled nodding.

"Well, we mostly spend our time at the gym. If you need us, just go there and one of us will help you."

I nodded and they all dispersed. 

I slowly began limping towards the nurses office, only to be stopped my a tall football player. 

He kicked me in my knee making me fall down again. I hit my hip and started crying, twice in the same day? I held my hands over my face before I heard a murderous:


While they were talking I presume, I slowly started my long journey to the nurses office. Hopefully...I make it there before- 


The bell. 

I sighed and continued on, knowing that the nurse would give me a pass.


how'd you like this one? 

kinda...idk..weird? also, if you want me to put warnings for the small stuff like this, (Yea him getting bullied is the least thing that you should be worrying about.) please let me know. it'd kill me to know that one of you are uncomfortable with what i'm writing, if any. 


-Queen Of Roaches

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