o. when witches and vampires lived in harmony

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— ★ prologue

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prologue . . .
W H E N  W I T C H E S  A N D 
V A M P I R E S  L I V E D  I N 
H A R M O N Y !

EVE COULD probably recite the whole story of the long history of hatred between her ancestors and the vampires without a single missing piece. She was always told the story even before she could firmly comprehend and grasp what it was about when it was being told to her. Her overprotective aunt made sure that she understood the dangers that came with a vampire.

After all, her great-great-great-great-great grandmother was the one who accepted the vampires into their village and was the first witch to be executed. All Eve knew at those times was that vampires were dangerous and evil creatures, and to never go near them. It was simple. But then as time went on, Eve started to realize it was more complex than that. She started to hear the story more often and finally got a grasp on what the whole fuss was about. Why do witches and vampires have a long line of hatred toward each other?

In the mid-1600s, witches and warlocks lived peacefully with humans in their villages. But the majority of them lived just outside the villages together in a tall forest. It was an area where they could be themselves without worry. Of course, they were careful and were never spotted.

That was until witches came across a species of creature that they had never come across before, only hearing about them through the blowing rumors of the wind. They weren't frightened by the pale cold skinned crimson-eyed creatures. The witches welcomed them with open arms and vowed that they wouldn't cause harm to them.

The vampires were perplexed but accepted their kind gesture and returned it. During that time, vampires were still looking for a place to settle without causing trouble — especially when it came to their hunger. All they wanted was to live their eternity peacefully and happily. They couldn't be anywhere near sunlight, they needed blood to survive, and they couldn't be around many humans the majority of the time. The witches saw their struggles and acknowledged them. They knew how to solve their problems for their complex immortal life. So that's exactly what they did.

The witches proposed a proposition for the vampires a treaty or a deal of some sort. Almost like a binding contract of peace and harmony between their two kids. In exchange for protection against mortals — without doing them harm of course — and retrieving them food and certain plants, they will be helpers for the vampires. The cold ones could live in their shady, secluded village where their true self wouldn't be shown through the sunlight.

The witches claimed to have away the vampires could live among humans without drinking their blood. They had potions and herb healing methods that could help control the cold one's thirsts and urges. The witches knew of ways they could cast a protection spell specifically made so vampires wouldn't be able to detect their blood scent or touch them — for both the witch's and vampires' safety.

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