Part Eleven | All Might

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I got a bit excited to post so here we are with another chapter!


3rd Person POV

"...He's here...All Might..." Izuku mumbles, staring at the hero in question as Tsuyu keeps a firm hold on him with her extended tongue. "All Might's here but he's not smiling..." Izuku honestly couldn't think of a time since he'd known about All Might where he'd seen the hero lacking his ever present smile.

It was unnerving to see him like this.

"Finally..." Shigaraki spits as he gets to his feet. "After all this waiting the heroic piece of trash shows up!" Tomura was almost beside himself. It was finally time. Finally, he could end the so called Symbol of Peace.

Toshinori flings off his blazer, and, quite literally, rips off his tie. The blond's uncharacteristic scowl was still firmly in place and the villains littering the plaza exchanged hesitant glances.

"Holy shit, it really is All Might...I've never seen the guy in person before..." one gulps as he takes in the sight of the number one Pro.

"I didn't expect him to be so damn huge!" another adds and a man with patched skin growls at the obvious anxiety in their voices.

"This is no time to talk, you idiots!" he spares them an irritated glare before turning back to All Might. Wait...Did something change with All Might? He looked like...Was he crouching? No, couldn't be... 

The villain brushed it off. 'Doesn't matter!' "If we strike now, we can kill him!" that was the last thing to fall from his lips before he was suddenly struck down with a barely visible blow. The other villains tried to block whatever was coming but didn't even get the chance, all falling victim to the same attacks as their companion. 

They were taken down in an instant.

Toshinori gingerly gathers Aizawa in his arms and his anger flared at the sight of his fellow hero. 

"I'm sorry, Aizawa...I should've been here..." Yagi frowns, willing his eyes away from the gruesome visual of Shota's bloodied face and decayed elbow. Glancing over his shoulder, Toshinori spotted Midoriya, Asui and Mineta nearby with a monstrous villain towering over them. With nary a wasted movement, Yagi blazed past the beast and grabbed his students with ease, moving them away from the shore in what seemed like the blink of an eye.

Shigaraki didn't even have the chance to make a sound as he was struck with a sudden blow. Thanks to that, the lifeless hand clinging to his face was thrown off by the force of the attack.

All Might cradled Aizawa under his right arm while Midoriya, Asui and Mineta were bunched together with his left as he glared at his opponents. Yagi set Shota down gingerly and did the same to his students, never once letting his eyes drift from the enemy as he hovered protectively over Eraserhead.

"Wait...What the heck?" Minoru blinks dumbly, finding himself on his feet and away from the villain despite knowing he was stuck on the shore with the others literal seconds ago. Now he was facing the villains behind All Might??

"Everyone get back to the entrance and take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time!" Toshinori orders, raising from his crouch in preparation for the fight ahead.

"A-ah! Y-yes sir!" Mineta stutters as Asui quickly takes action.

"You saved us, All Might..." Izuku glances at his sort of mentor/idol? with a worried glint in his eyes as Shigaraki covers his face with a whimper.

"No, no no...It wasn't supposed to go this way..." he hissed, searching blindly in an attempt to retrieve the missing hand. "He's still fast, father..." he kneeled before what he sought and grabbed the greyed hand. "Somehow he managed to hit me..." a shaky sigh of relief left his lips as he set the grim item back on his face. "Of course a government hero relies on violence..." he pointedly spits the jab at All Might as he cradles the hand touching his face. 

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