Camille held up a poster with Big Time Rush smiling at the cover. "Cool, you got your picture in Pop Tiger magazine," she stated before lowering the poster to see the four guys wearing arm braces and their faces scratched up. "But what happened? You guys look terrible."
"What happened?" James questioned"That picture happened!"
Nini approached, looking perfectly normal but carrying frozen bags of peas. "It's kind of a long story," she stated, handing Carlos a bag and shortly Kendall before sitting beside James, fixing his neck brace.
"Camille, get ready for a twisted tale of adventure, danger, and nail-biting suspense," Kendall told her before he spat something into his hand. "Hey, my tooth came out."
"No, wait," Carlos spoke, looking into Kendall's palm. "That's mine."
He grabbed the tooth, dumping it into his mouth making everyone groan in disgust.
"Los, come on," Nini told him, making a face. "Gross."
"So," Kendall began to Camille. "We were enjoying a calm afternoon in the crib..."
A day earlier, the group of five were all wearing their Minnesota jerseys and hockey gear as they were playing floor hockey in the living room.
"James, watch my back!" Nini called before ramming into Carlos, sending him flying over a desk nearby as she hit the puck into the goal with her hockey stick to which James and Nini cheered loudly, giving a high-five and a chest bump.
The sound of an air horn blaring made them all stop to look at Kelly. "Get your helmets off and your smiles on. Gustavo pulled some strings, and if we hurry, you can make the next Pop Tiger hot-new-star pinup fold-out special spring poster issue."
"Okay, even I didn't catch that," Nini stated.
"Kelly, in English, please?" Kendall asked.
Kelly rolled her eyes. "It's picture day! Move it!"
Later, the group sat in the back of a limousine with Kelly, wearing their casual clothes.
"I can't believe we're gonna be in Pop Tiger," James stated excitedly as he sat in between Nini and Kelly.
"I know, it's totally awesome!" Carlos exclaimed as he sat next to Logan and Kendall. "What's a Pop Tiger?"
James rolled his eyes. "Honey, Pop Tiger is only the most popular teen magazine in the world," Nini explained as James held up a copy of Pop Tiger.
"Is that Katie's? Please tell me it's Katie's," Logan said.
"Hey, this magazine has great articles for guys too, like, 'OMG, I IM'd the Wrong BFF'," James replied.
Kendall grabbed the magazine, looking at the cover. "'What one thing would hottie hunk Dak Zevon bring to a desert island?'" he read off before flipping it open. "I got to say, I'm curious."
"Well?" Nini asked him.
"His dog, Snowball," Kendall answered to which Nini awed with a smile.
She admittedly had a small crush on Dak Zevon for his beautiful voice and charming good looks but she still had bigger feelings for people like Kendall or...Chad Michael Murray.
"What?" Carlos questioned, grabbing the magazine. "What an idiot. Everyone knows you bring a roller coaster!"
"You don't bring a roller coaster. You bring a flare gun to signal passing ships," Logan told him.

All I Want || Kendall Knight [Big Time Rush]
Fanfiction"All I want is love that lasts Is all I want too much to ask Is it something wrong with me" Nini Salazar-Roberts was always considered one of the guys out of her four friends: Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan. They were all just Minnesota hockey no...