~Escape Plan~

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Both Cas and Dean come in with more weapons and condoms so that only Dean and Cas could use them, and only Dean could rape you without using protection. Sam just tags along with them.

"Thanks Sam for watching her while we were away! I really appreciate you as a brother. After all, you are truly family." As he leans in to hug his little brother Sammy.

"Sure it was no problem! She actually wasn't misbehaving that much while you guys were out shopping." Sammy explaining.

"That's great"

Dean turns his head to make a devilish looks towards you giving a look like something real bad is going to happen to you.

"Alright Cas wanna do the favors here?"

"Sure Thing! Anything for you Dean!" Cas responds with excitement. "Now Cas before you start, would you mind putting on these (condoms) so you don't impregnate her. Because only I can do that.

"Ok Dean if this makes you truly happy, i'll be glad to do so."

"Great now let the fun begin!"

"NOO! Please Dean don't let him do this to me!"

"Sorry pumpkin gotta go! Cas you do the honors." As he leaves leaving Cas in charge to to whatever he wants to you.

"Shh shh shh" Cas covers your mouth. "Behave or ill make you" As he laughs.

"NO YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!" You now regret what you had just said.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? As Cas yells at you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it! Don't do this not again!" As you begin to cry.

"Well now i'm going to Paralyze you with this syringe" Cas injects it into your knee so you couldn't move anything, or even talk.

"There now that's a good girl! The real fun is just only now just getting started." Cas smiles in a devilish way.

After the raping you felt like you had to pee a ton, had mood swings, and threw up a lot.

"CAS WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER!" "I don't know did I use the Condom wrong or did it break by accident." "Go get a pregnancy test and come right back." Dean yells.

Few seconds later. "Got it now Should I give it to her?" "YES GO RIGHT NOW!"

"Dean what does it mean when it shows 2 lines?"


Dean takes the archangel blade and stabs him in the chest. Castiel shines a bright light and hits the ground. "There. That will teach you a lesson to never do that to a girl again!"

All of a sudden Dean zones back in to reality.

"Few that was only a dream." "What does it mean when it shows 1 line?" "Duh, it means she's not pregnant?" "And that's good right?

"Yes it means your good Cas."

"And why did you zone out earlier their Dean?" Cas asking Dean. "I think I had this really weird vision of the pregnancy test having two lines instead of having one. Oh wait! Cas look at the test! It's showing two now instead of one!" "I don't get what this means then?"-Castiel

"It means the vision was right, she is pregnant!" "SAM WOULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" Dean shouted to Sam from across the hallway.

"Yeah i'll be there just wait a sec!"

"No we don't have time I need you to come now!" "Ok Dean i'm coming." 

"Now what seems to be- Oh god! There's a positive pregnancy test!"

"Yeah we just figured that out." "I think i'll call Crowley and ask him who the father is of this baby."

A few minutes went bye and Crowley finally picks up! "Hello boys, what can I do for you?" Crowley answers the Winchesters with a question." We need to know who the father is if you would just-" Then Crowley appears. "Come here so you 3 bozos can see who the father of new baby is?" "Yes Crowley. And wait. How did you know?" Dean asks.

"Well I have been keeping an extra eye on you since the kidnapping. Which was obviously a stupid idea. Do you know how much trouble you guys are now in. This could change everything! You boys really did screw up."

"HEY IT WAS CAS'S IDEA!" "Don't blame this On Wings Now!"

"Crowley, what did you mean this could change everything?" "Well, the reason is because you are the father of Y/n'a child. ~Bye boys." As Crowley disappears.

"Well looks like I am going to have to kill you now!" Cas smiles and laughs.

While Cas and Dean go off to fight somewhere in the bunker, Sam tries to help you escape.  "Alright this is a perfect time to escape now let's go."

Alright we're out now. I'm going to drive you now ok?" You then nod agreeing and head to the station.

Flashback... "And where do you think your going Sammy? I thought you were on our side! Now we have no choice but to- -" Sam grabs Cas and Dean throws them in the trunk so they can't escape.

"OH YOU WAIT AND SEE, WHEN THIS IS ALL OVER WE'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER MISERABLY! Dean says while screaming with laughter at his younger brother.

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