Teen titans go

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1. Robin is a complete overbearing and severely mentally or psychologically ill dominant jerk. He barely ever gets any respect by his own team and they often don't listen to him, even if he doesn't do anything wrong or mean to them.

Starfire is more child-like and immature. 

Beast Boy has been turned into a lazy couch potato who barely gets up to do something simple.

Cyborg has become an annoying idiot.

Raven, despite being the most likable out of the five, is a hypocritical Pretty Pretty Pegasus (a parody of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) fan.

2. Batman is an absolute joke 

3. No action. (Its a show about super heroes THERE SHOULD BE A LOT OF ACTION!)

4. The humor is mostly offensive, insulting, and forced, mainly consisting of incredibly stupid jokes and toilet humor.

5. It runs almost 24/7 literally for a full week of shows teen titans go takes up about 90% FUCKING PERCENT OF THE TIME!

6. There are two fetish based episodes. (BRUH ITS A KIDS SHOW!)

7. It teaches kids bad lessons and morals.

8.  The Lack of Creativity

9. The songs make you want to shoot yourself.

10. The Titans behave like villains and are far more annoying and unlikable than the "villains" themselves.

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