episode one

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"Good morning, Saiki." A girl with [H/C] hair greeted the pink haired boy that morning when he walked into the door.

That is [L/N] [Y/N]. She's different from the other girls. And it's accurate. Not to be a cliché phrase in this story. Why? Well, she's just like me. A psychic. And by just like me, I mean we have the same powers. Telepathy. Telekinesis. Teleportation. Clairvoyance. Cryokinesis. Mediumship. Prophetic Dreams. Levitation. Pyrokinesis. Aportation. Etc etc etc. The only difference between us is she has control over her powers. Maybe it's because she's female. Although, I doubt it.

The pink haired boy nodded at her before finding his desk and pulling out a book. Hopefully, no one would bug him. Unfortunately for him, she was conversing with the energetic redheaded class rep Kineshi Hairo.

"Oh, good morning, Saiki!" Kineshi Hairo greeted him. "We're planning to go bowling after school. You in?"

No, I don't want to go bowling after school. For two reasons. One, I have to control my strength. And two, I don't want to go bowling.

"Don't worry, Class Rep! We'll be there!" Why? Kaido? Why do you have to do this yo me?

The girl sent Saiki and Kaidou a thunbs up and resumed her conversation with the boy before her. If you haven't figured it out, [L/N] has a crush on Kineshi. If she didn't have control over her telepathy (like me), she could clearly see that he likes her too and she could make the first move. But she won't.

The rest of the day dragged on for the many teens. But before long, school was over and the class of 2-3 made their way to the bowling alley (which was very short distance from the school). [Y/N] stood by Hairo, absorbing his naturally warm body temperature. Sure it was in realm of winter and she had cryokinesis, but that didn't stop her from shivering in her giant fleeced hoodie over the long-sleeved shirt of her uniform.

"You good there, [Y/N]? I would give you by jacket, but I -hehehe- don't need one." Hairo asked her.

The girl nodded. "I think I'm good. It's just a little extra chilly than I expected it to be at this hour. I'm fine, Hairo."

The class rep nodded and resumed walking in silence to the bowling alley. When they got there, Hairo announced he'll take care of admission and he'll pay for the endless games of bowling. And apparently, he had already mapped out where everyone would be bowling at via a random generator. And [Y/N] would be stuck with him, Saiki, Kaidou, Nendou, Kuboyashu, Teruhashi, Yumehara, and Mera. The bowling alley was set up for every two lanes there was the bowling ball dispenser thing for the two lanes to share. Now each group was sorted to where the dispenser was at (does that make sense?) and that group was split up between four or five members. Luckily for that group, it was four girls vs five boys. After they got their bowling balls and shows and ordered food, they placed their names into this tablet that told them whose turn it was, whether they went again for the spare or a second time (for the tenth round).

"Why would you pick that? Who would pick that as their screen name?" asked Kaidou aimed at the [H/C] haired female.

"What's wrong with Rogue Chenney?" asked the girl.

"Rogue Chenney! Shadow Demon!!"

"Technically, he's the Shadow Dragon Slayer and the most underappreciated dragon slayer of Fairu Tail in my opinion. At least, I'm not Avengers Assemble," she looked at Hairo, "or Don't Wanna Be Here," her eyes darted to the pink-haired boy eating a chocolate mousse from the snack shack (question: why does a snack shack have like a restaurant menu?) with a milkshake in hand.

"The Dsrk Reunion-."

"Rogue Chenney has nothing to do with Dark Reunion, dumbass!" [Y/N] flicked the forehead of the silve haired male. "Teruhashi, your turn to pick out your screen name."

The blue haired female nodded and entered Perfect Pretty Girl (or PPG) into the tablet. And now, the group started their bowling session. The girls sat on their couches on one side of the ball dispenser while the boys sat on their side. [Y/N] ate french fries as she watched her friends bowl, her eyes glancing over at Hairo who flexed his back muscles every time he shot a ball down the lane. More times than not only getting like four pins and grazing a fifth. It was about two games in when Mera Chisato noticed.

"Why do you keep looking over at Kineshi?" the maroon-haired, glasses-wearing female asked her.

At the sound of the class rep's name, Kokomi Teruhashi and Chiyo Yumehara darted their attention to the girl. The latter had just finished her round to bowl.

"No reason. Now, if you excuse me I have to go for a Turkey." The girl tried to get up from her spot on the couch before being pushed back down.

"Do you like Hairo Kineshi?" asked Yumehara.

"Uh..." [Y/N] paled at the accusation. Just admit it, moron. The girl sent a glare Saiki's way. "I don't know what you mean by that." Saiki, a little help here.

And at that exact moment, [Y/N]'s milkshake tipped, spillung all over the table and [Y/N]'d lap. "SHIT!" at the curse fell from the non- existint cursing [Y/N], all eyes turned to her. "I guess that's my cue to go home." She hopped over the couch. "Come on, Saiki."

"I'll walk you home!" Hairo interjected.

"Thanks, Hairo, but I live across the street from Saiki, so it's more practical if he takes me home." The girl declined.

She could feel the fuming anger coming from Teruhashi as Saiki quickly ushered her out of the building. "Are they a thing or something?" Poor, stupid Nendou.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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