♡ Fond Realizations ♡

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No warnings hehe

The night was cool, the air held a sense of sentiment while it carried the wind ever so gently through a certain young lady's window curtains. Causing them to dance gracefully with one another while the Princess's shutters were partially opened to keep ventilation throughout the absolutely luxurious bedroom.

A bedroom decorated with opulent linens and gold trim that seemed to even outshine Versailles interior decorations. But effortlessly, the beauty of the room was nowhere near comparable to the beauty and femininity of the darling Princess who sat in front of her vanity. She idly brushed out her long, loosely curled, strawberry blonde locks while her blue eyed gaze was absentmindedly on her hair.

The Princess was a lady of little spoken and kept to herself. She had a reserved personality that was surprising as she lived in such a socialite royal family. But that wasn't what was spoken of her. She was known for her gentle nature and strict morals. Her lifestyle was that of one of a very respectful young woman.

The night was relatively young, and so with that she tried to keep herself busy. Whether it was to just brush her hair or fix it, or whatever else. But boredom inevitably settled over the gorgeous young woman quickly. And with that, a soft sigh escaped her lips.

Seconds passed while the Princess simply just stared out the window, that was before she heard the gentlest of knocks on her door. Initially the beauty blinked a bit, not exactly knowing who it could be. Not her mother or father, no lady-in-waiting would mess with her this late. Surely.

Her sudden questions that mercilessly fogged her mind disseminated when she opened the door to reveal the one and only individual she had been aching to see the entire day.

Others knew him as the Duke Of Arania, a young man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was notorious for his unmatched flirtatious mannerisms and charisma. The Duke was chased by many a throngs of ladies during social gatherings, doesn't matter which ones nonetheless. And although he loved the enthusiasm they all held for his appearance, and the anticipation they withheld before he was able to dance with them... He could never see himself wedded to any of the, beautiful in their own way, bachelorettes. The man was practically a magnet for adoration and attention.

But, the Princess couldn't blame the poor young dashing gentleman for the love he graciously received. He was quite the eye candy no matter the occasion. He stood at six foot two, and was adorned with dark curled hair that framed his facial structure perfectly. A handsome man with caring and warm green eyes that caught any woman's attention.

The Duke was a one in more than a million, and somehow... Well, the Princess was one of the many ladies to fall head over heels for this caring natured and flirtatious young man.

So, when his tall figure was standing at her doorway, the Princess could only breathe out a lighthearted sigh. The Duke had an effortless warm smile on his features as he looked down at her fondly. "I apologize if I had awoken or disturbed you, Your Highness." He softly spoke while his long fingers easily brushed up under her chin to make her gaze up at him. Just so the handsome raven haired man could take in her beauty for himself, he couldn't help but be selfish of her beauty and see it all for himself. The young woman held a sense of grace and beauty that he found intoxicating. His own perfect drug that washed him into euphoria and absolute adoration.

A breath came from the strawberry blonde as she could only shake her head at his gentle apology. "No... You hadn't done the sort at all, do not worry." She quietly assured the Duke whilst her cerulean eyes glazed over his oh so handsome features.

For a few moments, the two young adults simply stood and stared at each other. Their silence was enough to say everything they felt for one another. How their eyes instantly were swarmed with fondness and love while the world melted into nothing. Not one of them cared about how late it was or how risqué this would seem for two young and unmarried people of high nobility. The Princess was absolutely enamored for the handsome Duke of Arania.

The silence was heavy, yet it was perfect between the two of them while they enjoyed their long craved for presence and company. As since they were both far too occupied with the large Ball that had been held just a few hours ago. The Princess swore she could stare at him and take in every detail for hours more if she could... And yet the very same could be said about the tall Duke that stood right in front of her. Slowly and cautiously, one of his slender yet toned arms moved to wrap around the beauty's waist.

And in that very moment, the Princess looked at the world with rose colored glasses. Her heart leapt in her chest while her body warmed with love for the man. And gently, she brought up one of her soft pampered hands to grace over his pale and smooth cheekbone. Her thumb brushed over his bottom lip while he simply gazed at her wide blue eyes.

For so little was said, it was in that moment that he wanted to be with her. Spend his nights with her wrapped up in his arms where he knew she was safe and with him. This was the very woman he ached to wake up beside and press fluttery butterfly kisses on her face whispering her a good morning. He couldn't care any less about any other woman who wanted to wed him... The Princess has and will have his entire heart in her gentle hands with the utmost care. She wouldn't dare risk anything...

After a slow moving moment, the Princess pulled the handsome man inside her room so she could close the door behind them. Although she was in absolute bliss, she didn't want anyone to see such a thing. Such a small act of love could be misinterpreted and backlash greatly upon the two of them.

So when the door finally closed with a soft 'click', a sweet jingle like laugh left the Princess's lips. It was an absolute melodious sound to the Duke's ears while he himself chuckled quietly under his breath. His long fingers found their way to gingerly lace through the Princess's silken strawberry blonde hair before he leaned down to press his lips gently against hers.

The very intimate contact sent waves of sparks through the beauty as she melted in the moment and kiss. Her eyes had fluttered closed while she cupped the tall man's cheeks in her tender palms. Their kiss was enough to let each other know that their adoration wasn't just a simple puppy crush....

And soon the two had to pull away from each other, leaving the two young adults subtly flushed and catching their breaths. Without even a second thought, the raven haired bachelor leaned down again and trailed kisses onto the Princess's soft neck. "My darling..." He murmured against her skin, "My princess...." The Duke murmured more as his lips grazed over her neck and to the sensitive skin in her collarbone. "I don't know what I would do without you for a minute longer." He whispered before looking back up into her eyes, his large hands cusping her face with absolute care. "Please be my wife... My bride, the woman who takes my last name... I can't see anymore of my life without you right here beside me, Adélie ." He whispered under his breath.

Those words were everything she ever dreamt of hearing, and in just seconds her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. The Princess felt a bright smile adorn her full lips as she breathed out a sweet laugh. Her hands rested against his own. "There is nothing else I would love more than to be your wife, Evanser." She could only whisper while her eyes moistened with tears of utter joy and love for the Duke right in front of her.

That night was one the two would always remember, a night full of kisses and heartfelt smiles that led up to them having their first heir. Nothing could ruin such an unconditional love.

♡ the end ♡

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