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We walked towards the door that will lead us to our plane.

"This is going to be so fun, a nice family vacation!" My mom clapped her hands, then started to wheel her luggage again.

"I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower!" My little brother Sam said. I stared at him in utter shock.

"The Eiffel Tower is in Paris," I huff, struggling to wheel my luggage to the plane. I can already tell this is going to be a long trip.

"Hey, that's your name!" Sam beams. I nod.

"Indeed, little bro. Indeed." We finally make it to our seats on the plane. My dad starts loading up all of our suitcases above us.

I'm really nervous about the whole plane flying thing. I've never been on one and this already feels like hell, and we only started moving.

"Woah" I say and screw my eyes shut. My ears are popping because of the pressure from being lifted.

"It's fine, sweetie. We'll be in London before you know it" my mom comforts me, grabbing my hand a squeezing it slightly.


"Take a picture of me over here!" My dad says, handing me his camera.

"Dad we just stopped less than a minute ago, over there" I point to where we had last taken a pic of my dad.


"Memories, I get it" I cut my dad off. Once I took the pic he went running off to take another one somewhere else.

"Slow down, Ben!" Mom calls out after dad. "He can't hear me. So, I'll take Sam with me and how about you go around and find something for us to do later?" Mom suggests. I nod, then she takes Sam's hand and speed walks to my dad.

I probably passed by thirty million museums by now. Also, I got a little hungry and stopped for pizza. I really wish they had Pizza Hut near the air port. My life would've been complete.

Across the street there was a sign that said:

'Night Of Colors. Come and serenade yourself with sparkling wine and Devine meals, be surrounded by masterpieces of all kinds. Join us at DeLeon Museum, Tuesday night. Falwell Street 22367'

Call me crazy but I actually want to go to that. I really love art. Plus, this sounds fancy so I think it's something to look forward to, well, only with the permission with my mom and dad.


"And there will be dinner too. Mom I really want to go. We can't just walk around the whole time we're here. It's only six days until we go back to Florida" I sigh. Mom nods slowly, then completely nods.

"Alright, Ben that's ok with you?"

"If there's food, I'm there" he says and plops down on the couch placed in the living room of our hotel. It looks more like a house. Well, they call it a flat here.

"How was your guys day?" I break the silence that filled the room moments ago. All of them shrug.

"I fell and mommy and daddy lost my gummy bears" Sam pouts, crossing his arms. I bite my lower lip trying to hold back a laugh.

I really wish I was there to see it. As bad as it is to say, but I find it amusing when he falls. He makes this face that just... I don't know, but it's hysterical. "But who cares about those bears now. They're enjoying their stay in London."

"I care. Hey, I'm five. Us five year olds care a lot about candy" Sam crosses his arms. I swear this kid is smarter than me. He already knows propped grammar, and knows a little about different countries.

"What now?" My mom buts in. She's right. First day and already nothing to do. Well, we've only been in London for maybe eight hours now.

"Can we go shopping for Tuesday night? And while we shop, dad and Sam can get tux's at Men's Wear" I suggest. I only know where these places are because my mom practically insisted I go and explore London all by myself.

Sure, send your seventeen year old daughter out wondering a foreign country, with the possibility to get kidnapped.

Sounds very mother like if you ask me. Note sarcasm.

After a few minutes of deciding, my mom agreed on my idea and we headed out to the shopping center. Can I just say London is breath taking at night? All the lights and buildings are very beautiful.

We went to a few shops, and I found a beautiful lilac gown and nude pumps. My mom just got a red dress and one of those cover up things. Now we're set for the night.


Lilly Collins plays Paris Walters
Harry Styles plays Harry Styles

This is only the beginning (duh, grace) ... Just wait ;)

Thanks for reading x

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