Chapter Twenty-Two

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Although it had been so many years since I had been to Wakanda, I still knew the ways of its lands like I knew my own skin. Night was beginning to fall over the mountain, which made my escape all the more easy. Even after all these years, the rotation schedule for the guards hadn't changed and I practically waltzed from the palace. Taking the paths I knew to be clear, I prayed that the others had decided to take refuge in the Jabari lands, because that's where I was headed. As a teenager it would take me almost two hours to run the length of land between the Jabari mountains and the palace, carrying of course a stolen bottle of alcohol or two. As an adult with superpowers and nothing to carry, well, I thought I could do it in less than half that time. However, having just recovered from some fairly severe injuries, I decided to go down to the city and steal a vehicle to take to the base of the mountains instead.

What I had forgotten about, however, were the people. When I used to sneak out it was midnight and the city was dark and sleeping. But it was only just sunset, and there were still people milling in the markets. I caught whiffs of the spices coming from the late night food stalls, and laughter from woman serving from large pots of delicious umngqusho. The smell of the maize and sugar bean dish made my mouth water, and I realized it had been almost a day since I last ate. Grabbing a shawl from a washing line in one of the alley ways, I wrapped it around myself, knowing it would give me protection only from a distance, anyone close enough to see my eyes would surely alert the Dora, but I was desperate for something to eat and that was just a risk I had to take. Rounding the corner, I noticed one of the woman was the one I had bought the cloth for Shuri's dress from. Remembering her kindness, I stopped in front of her pot.

"One bowl please Grandmother," I spoke in Wakanden, using the term Grandmother which was common when greeting woman of her age and stature. She looked up at me and gasped softly, but the pleading in my eyes must have been enough because she simply ladled a bowl full and handing it to me.

"Come, sit inside young one, it is getting cold." She gestured to the door behind her, and I nodded and went inside. I came face to face with the young man who had insulted me at the fabric stand, her son I guessed. He stood abruptly when I entered, face screwed up with the utmost disgust. Outside, the woman uttered her apologies to the other woman and come inside too, shutting the door quickly behind her.

"Mama, what is this? Why have you brought her here, with all that is going on at the palace?" The man bordered on scolding his mother and she held a wrinkled hand out to stop him, turning to me.

"Princess, what happens inside the palace? We have nothing but rumours."

"The King is dead. An outsider of royal blood sits on the throne. N'Jobu's lost son." I took the shawl from my face, voice trembling. The woman placed a hand to her mouth in shock.

"You have escaped him?"

"Yes, but I need to get to the Jabari mountains as soon as I can. I think that is where the Queen Mother and Princess Shuri have taken refuge." I hastily used my fingers to scoop up up the food and eat it, feeling its warmth in my stomach instantly. I could see the man staring at the fresh scars on my right arm and felt suddenly self-conscious.

The woman set her mouth in a determined hard line.

"Uuka, you must take the Princess to the mountains this instant. Take her on your bike, and I pray to Bast you be swift as the river." She pushed us towards the back door and Uuka didn't try to resist, just nodded fiercely. At the door I turned back, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Thank you, Grandmother. I will make sure you are rewarded for your kindness."

She only smiled and took the empty bowl from my hands.

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