Kuroko Kiro

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((Hello everyone! Here's my OC that i created and his story. The cover photo is owned by me because i drew it of course xD but anyways i hope you enjoy~))

Name: Kuroko Kiro

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 193 cm (6'4")

Family: Kuroko Tetsuya

Birthday: August 14

Position/talent: Kiro can play any position. He's horrible at passing the ball, unlike his brother. His special talent is that he can shoot the ball without looking at the basket. He can also make shots with just one hand. (His style is very similar to Aomine's)

Appearance: (Looks like the cover photo) Long dark blue hair with half of it shaved off (will change length later on). He also has dark blue eyes that seem to be filled with bordom and hatred. His skin is tanner than Kuroko's. He is also very built and tall unlike Kuroko. He has a lip piercing as well as his ears and near his left eye. Usually wears a black baggy long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark jeans and black converse. Also is seen wearing his school uniform and later on his basketball clothes. He's blind in his right eye so he uses his hair to cover it and later on an eye-patch.

Personality: Kiro acts like his is bored and angry all the time. A lot of the time he gives people a blank stare like Kuroko. He's rather rude to people he doesn't bother to talk to.

Past: Kiro used to be a happy teenager until he joined the basketball team at his middle school, Teiko. He loved basketball because it was fun but after being in Teiko's basketball team, the fun in it went away which caused him to hate basketball. When his brother, Tetsuya aka Kuroko, joined the basketball team, he stayed just to keep Kuroko happy. Kuroko and Kiro were always together and they were great players together until Kuroko became apart of the generation of miracles. Kuroko slowly started to not notice his brother. Kiro hated his brother after that and never talked to him afterwards. The only time they saw eachother after that, was at home. Kiro got in an car accident which caused his right eye to go completly blind. While he was in the hospital, Kuroko realized he should pay more attention to Kiro but Kiro would ignore him everyday. Kiro went to a highschool different than the generation of miracles but he started getting tired of going to school that was two hours away so he decided he would start going to Seirin like his brother.

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